Modern society is controlled by groups who have vested interests in making men weak and docile. A population where men are physically and mentally weak is easy to control and govern.
High testosterone masculine men are a problem for the true masters of the world. This is why they use their institutions to promote down things like soy consumption and other things that lower testosterone.
At the same time, they try to break men down socially and culturally. They try to change culture using social media, TV shows, etc. and push the message that men are supposed to be emotional, “in touch with their feminine side”, “share housework”, and other nonsense.
In reality, most men today are too emotional and need to get back in touch with their masculine side.
Many men today do not even understand what it means to be a man. They don’t even know what traits men are supposed to possess. Most men today are feminine losers who watch TV, pay for therapy, and worry about being politically correct so they don’t lose their job.
Note that these are not necessarily the traits of a “good” man or a “moral” man, but of a masculine man.
Being evil or immoral does not take away from masculinity. There are evil masculine men just as there are good masculine men (most are somewhere in between).
The Traditional Traits of Men
1) High level of physicality
This means things like physical strength, dense and strong muscle, broad shoulders, and the rugged masculine look.
In fact, many religious books actually describe what a true man looks like. For example, here is a description of the Lord Rama from the Ramayana:
“He possesses broad shoulders and mighty arms. His neck is like a conch shell and his cheekbones stand out. His chest is broad and his bow is huge… He is pleasant in complexion and powerful. His chest is muscled and his eyes are large.” [Taken from Bibek Debroy’s English translation of The Valmiki Ramayana]
This is the physical description for the god and notice that it says:
- Mighty arms
- Broad shoulders
- Cheekbones stand out (low body fat)
- Bow is huge (you need a lot of strength to pull a big bow)
- Powerful
- Chest is muscled
This is from the very first paragraph that describes Lord Rama. Physicality is just that important.
A true man is physically strong and muscular (or is at least trying to get there).
A true man is not a bitchy little dude with flailing skinny arms, weak legs, and a non-existent chest who struggles to press 100kg on the bar.
What you should aspire for is ~15% body fat, developed and visible muscles, and decent strength.
The bare minimum strength standards for men are 140kg squats and deadlift and 100kg bench press (for reps). These are bare minimum and by no means optimal.
There is no man out there who can’t hit these numbers within a few years of proper training (unless you have some sort of physical disability).
2) High testosterone levels
This is somewhat in connection with the previous point. You cannot have good physicality without good testosterone levels – or least, it’s much harder to get there.
Why are women less muscular and weaker than men? Testosterone levels.
When women inject testosterone, they also start becoming hornier, more muscular, dominant, and even start growing facial hair. They start turning into men (although a woman can never be a real man as you cannot defeat nature).
Here is what high testosterone levels does for you:
- Increase muscle mass
- Reduce stored fat
- Increase bone density
- Reduce fatigue and increase energy levels
- Clearer thinking and no “foggy brain”
- Reduce feelings of depression/hopelessness
- Be more sexually dominant
- Give you better erections, increased semen volume, and increase sexual stamina

If you do not know what your testosterone levels are – get them measured.
Testosterone levels are currently in freefall where people in their 20s have lesser testosterone than people did in their 70s back just a few decades (thanks to endocrine disruptors, fake processed foods, polluted air and water, bad lifestyle, etc.).

Here is what the numbers used to look like in 1996 (from the TELCOM study):

Back in 1996, the MEAN testosterone level for men younger than 25 was 692.
As AJA Cortes points out “Up until the 1990s, having total testosterone levels of lower than 500 was the ‘average’ only in 70+ year old men.”
If your testosterone levels are lower than 600 – you need to fix your lifestyle, sleep habits, diet, and possibly assess your environment to reduce endocrine disruptors. LOSE FAT. If you smoke or drink or watch internet pornography – you need to stop ASAP.
Get a copy of Live Intentionally: 90 Day Self-Improvement Program if you want to fast track it and get the job done. The program will fix all your bad habits and give you some brand new ones.
Note: Do not trust lab ranges for “normal” testosterone levels. Their ranges are too broad (anything from 300 to 1100 is ‘normal’ according to most labs). Testosterone levels in the 300s are absurdly low and you have a serious problem that you need to fix. With levels that low, you might even need TRT if lifestyle changes do not work.
3) Independent and goes after what he wants
A true man goes after what he wants.
He does not cope and rationalize away his desires.
He is independent and accountable to himself. He does not blame other people for his failures.
When you see a hot chick, you do go and try to talk to her or do you chicken out? (And then cope with thoughts like “she had a tattoo, she must be promiscuous, I’m better off without her”?)
Are you able to do uncomfortable things like talk to strangers, push sales, and send your resume for jobs you might be rejected for?
Do you take opportunities aggressively or let them pass?
Or do you blame your failures in life on government, politicians, and OTHERS who have nothing to do with you? (Hint: You are not fat and broke because of the government. You are fat because you eat too much and broke because you don’t take calculated risks.)
This is all about MINDSET.
People with a poor mindset always complain about lack of opportunities and why the “government isn’t doing enough”. They never try to work hard and make their own breaks.
I was born in a small rural village in India to a family of uneducated farm workers (although my dad had gone to school but it was an education in his local language).
When I was born, my parents moved to the city to give me a better life. We lived in a chawl (a decrepit British era structure closer to a slum and worse than a ghetto).
Today I make more than a thousand Indians combined. If you are reading this on a phone or computer you own, I can guarantee that I had less “opportunities” than you in my life.
The difference is MINDSET.
I didn’t complain about problems. I found ways to make things work. I studied and built up a consulting business (I’m a qualified Chartered Accountant).
Then I learned affiliate marketing because I wanted to make even more money.
I figured out internet business from scratch (it all started with spamming Reddit with affiliate links).
Today I own multiple SaaS companies (Repurpose Pie, Copyright Samurai, etc.), an affiliate marketing company, the consulting firm (although that is entirely managed by family now), and have various other business interests.
I did all of this from a poor third world country (India) without a lot of capital to start with. And this was before easy to implement online business guides like The Art of X, The Complete Web Design Course, and copywriting guides were a thing.
Today anyone can start a business with these guides but back in the day, you had to figure it all out from scratch.
Today you see people with a good education, a laptop, and an internet connection complain about being broke. If this is you, you DESERVE to be broke.
If I was in your place and I had $0 in my pocket, I’d still be a millionaire in less than 5 years. This is because unlike you I don’t have a loser mindset and I’m not lazy as hell like you.
You don’t even need money to get started anymore. You can build a simple service business with no money by just following No-BS WiFi Money (a free guide).
Your problem is that you are lazy, have a loser mindset, and blame other people for your personal failure of a life. You’d rather watch TV and porn than put in the grueling work to move up in life.
Most are such losers that they can’t even stop masturbating. They waste their precious life force instead of transmuting sexual energy to achieve great things in life.
4) Tough Skinned and Not highly emotional
When something bad happens, do you deal with it stoically or do you break down and cry?
Being HARD is a masculine trait.
Women are soft. Women are weak. Women cry over little things.
Men are hard. Men are strong. Men handle their emotions instead of being handled by them.
Obviously we all have good days and we have bad days. But tough days should not regularly send you crying or heavily discouraged.
A true man is able to deal with problems as they come. He doesn’t whine about how hard his life is – he does what he can with what he has.
A few days ago, my PC caught fire. I heard a loud boom and came to my office to find it full of smoke. My computer that I use for everything and has all my business data was on fire.

If I hadn’t caught it in time my entire house would have burned down.
My main power line had burned out and sent a surge through everything in my house.
8 Air conditioner units, my computer, 6 WiFi routers, the fridge, LED lights, and a whole bunch of other electronics had to be repaired or replaced. The total damage was close to $10,000 (and more importantly, the time it took fix the mess).
On top of the damaged devices, I had to hire an electrician to check every electrical connection in the house which was a big hassle.
Now, I could have cried and moaned about the expense and the time wasted.
But instead I just focused on fixing the problem and making sure that it does not happen again.
EVERYONE has bad stuff happen to them every once in a while.
Sometimes you get injured in the gym, sometimes you get in a car crash, sometimes you lose money in the stock market – shit happens.
Deal with the problem and don’t get too emotional about “why me”.
Toughen up because no one else will come and save you.
5) Competitive
A true man is competitive not just with others but also with himself.
This does not mean that he is jealous (jealousy is a feminine trait). This means that when he sees others win, he thinks “If they can do it, I can do it too”.
Are you always trying to be better than you were yesterday?
When you go to the gym, do you try to lift a little more weight than last time or do you skip your workout and watch a movie instead?
When things get hard, do you push yourself to perform better or do you chicken out because it hurts too much?
Surround yourself with the pros and see how you respond. If seeing other people lift big weights makes you want to lift more, you’re on the right path.
If not, then you either don’t care or are afraid to admit to yourself that you really want it (cope). Whatever it is – not wanting to be great at things is not a masculine trait.
Morally and mentally weak people think like this: “Why do you need to be strong? Why do you need to work so hard? You can survive without it.”
They lack the hot masculine blood that makes them want to strive to be better. These guys were born mediocre, will live their life in mediocrity, and will die in obscurity. They are not true men.
A true man respects strength, skill, athletic ability, and talent even if he is himself presently lacking in those things. He wants to improve.
Do not come up with excuses about why you do not need to be strong, athletic, or skilled. It is cope behavior by weak men.
6) Sexually aggressive and dominant
Sexuality is about polarity.
Men conquer and women get conquered. Men fuck and women get fucked. Men lead women follow. Men protect and fight on the front lines and women support and nurture.
Modern culture tries to pervert this biological reality but even the feminist who believes in equality secretly wants a man who will dominate her.
Women want men who are sexually dominant. If you don’t believe me, tell a woman you’ve been to jail because of a street fight. Most of them get turned on and will try to pursue you.
50 Shades of Grey is an international bestseller for a reason.
There is no such thing as a true man who is a wimp.
When you are out on dates, break the touch barrier fast. Make sexual innuendos if the vibe is there. She wants you to get her in bed with you so lead her there.
“I want to kiss you”
This one line has worked on lots of women I’ve gone out with. Sometimes you get a “it’s too soon” but at least you make your intentions clear (which is a bold move that always works out in your favor).
Once you build up comfort and the sexual vibe is there, do not wimp out.
You might get rejected and that’s okay. Rejection is part of the game. Rejection is better than regret.
FIRST build attraction, then comfort, then seduce (nice guys fail because they try to build comfort before attraction but that’s not how it works).
If you’ve ever been friendzoned, this is what you are lacking: SEXUALITY.
Men who are sexually aggressive get accepted or rejected by women. They never get used as emotional tampons like the nice guys who get friendzoned because they pretend their penis doesn’t exist.
7) Has stuff going on in his life
If I ask you what you are up to, do you have a real answer that involves building something of value or is it always some entertainment nonsense like watching a movie?
What is the purpose of your life? WHAT IS YOUR MISSION?
If all you do is work a job, watch TV at home, and eat a bunch of food – how are you any different from a slave?
No proper MAN wants to live a meaningless life. We are builders.
You should always be building something and working on it with seriousness.
It could be a strong body, a business, a skill, or something else – but you always have to be on it.
And it should be being built seriously.
If you say you’re building a body, but you’re skipping workouts, not eating correctly, not getting enough sleep to recover well, not tracking your nutrition – you’re not building your body, you’re just occasionally hitting the gym.
No masculine man says “yeah man, I’m just going to go home and watch TV like every other day”. There’s too much to do, lots to build and conquer, and a thousand miles to go before we sleep.
Look at the 7 points above once again:
- Strong and vigorous body
- High testosterone levels
- Independent
- Tough skinned
- Competitive
- Sexually dominant
- Builder
They are a combination of a high level of physicality and mindset.
You have to be strong and vigorous to be a man and at the same time have the mindset of a winner.
If you are physically weak or have the personality of a pushover, you are not a true man.
You need to develop both because having just one is not enough.
Until next time.
– Harsh Strongman