Why Women Say Dumb Shit (And How To Deal With It)

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Buckle up boys, I’m going to drop some wisdom that took me a long time to learn. What I’m going to tell you is something very few men ever realize in their entire lives.

In fact, this is something I did not realize even after I slept with lots of women.

Getting women in your bed is not that hard of a problem. Most men can manage to do it if they fix their personality and learn some basic seduction skills. Most guys can completely change their dating life if they read The Book of Pook Series and the Seduction Bible.

Selling stuff to women is a harder problem because most western women (the only ones with $$$) are more careful with their cash than they are with their bodies.

It is much easier to convince a woman to sleep with you in one date than to get her to give you $1000 in one meeting. The only people who disagree are men with low social/seduction skills, losers, and of course women themselves.

Anyone who’s good at dating and selling is nodding with agreement. Women’s products have absurdly high refund rates (they will find any reason to ask for a refund) and this is why the most profitable stuff that is sold to them is non-refundable (like makeup products once opened).

Anyway, I’ve digressed too much and let’s get back on topic.

Why Women Say Dumb Shit (But Don’t Realize It)

1. Women think everything is about them (solipsism)

Women in general think everything is about them specifically. Their brains are wired differently than men’s and they have trouble thinking of abstract ideas that don’t personally involve themselves.

A woman who read the line above “It is much easier to convince a woman to sleep with you than to get her to give you $1000” is likely to think “This is false. I am not like this.” without realizing that the statement was not about them at all.

It was a generally true statement (just ask anyone who’s both good at dating and selling). It does not mean that the statement was intended towards them in specific.

If you said “Women vote for leftism”, some women will say “This is false. I voted for the right” where again they think of general statements as if it was specifically about them.

The big lesson here for female readers is that this is an area you need conscious improvement on. When you hear something, think if the statement is generally true or generally false. Do it without involving your own personal choices and preferences into it.

If you’re a woman, avoid thinking of life as “rules that apply to me apply to everyone”.

For example, “If I sleep with a lot of men, I am a whore” is a true sentence. But “If a man sleeps with a lot of women, he is a whore” is a false sentence.

This is because it takes no effort for a woman to sleep with many men, but lots of self-improvement and effort for a man to be able to sleep with many women. There is no point in thinking of creative delusions and arguments against this – always accept reality how it is.

This is not easy for a woman to do (many women are incapable of it even if they try), so if you have a woman who can do it, give her some appreciation for it.

The big lesson for male readers is that if you have to convince a woman of anything, you will make much better headway if you keep telling her she is an exception (this helps her think beyond her own self).

For example, if you want to convince a woman that abortion is bad, tell her:

“Free and legal abortion makes most women careless with protection so it does them more harm than good. Of course, you’re an exception to most women. Most women don’t even use birth control if they think abortions are easy and simple. Smart girls like you are an exception but most people are not smart. Abortion has a lot of side effects but of course it should be allowed for emergencies and unfortunate circumstances.”

Anyone in sales will spot everything immediately (and is nodding in agreement). The first line is self-incentive. The second, third, and fourth lines are to help guide her thinking without involving herself into it.

The last line is to make it palatable because you will never convince someone who thinks 1+1 = 8 that 1+1 = 2 in one conversation, but you can take them to 1+1 = 6 which is progress. If you don’t add this line, she will view you as an adversary and reject everything you say.

Memes are funny but they don’t get people *who disagree* to change their mind. Persuasion is an art.

As a side note – Do not waste your time trying to convince random women of anything. This should only be applied to teaching your sister, daughter, and other family members whom you actually care about.

If you’re just trying to sleep with a chick, just agree and amplify her opinion (sometimes) or be cocky and funny (most of the time).

2. Women think being a target is high status

Have you had a woman say “I can’t do that, I will get harassed” or “Why are all men rapists?” even when they are in an extremely safe environment?

The reason even women who live in safe places say things like this is that they are trying to signal desirability which for them is high status.

“Everyone is trying to harass and rape me” in her language is “I am so desirable that everyone wants to have their way with me”.

I am so desirable that every day men are watching me, following me, staring at me, and harassing me.

It makes them feel good and high status. She is signalling her high desirability.

She is saying that she is like bars of gold and bundles of precious stones that are always vulnerable to theft and robbery.

Even objectively ugly and undesirable women will say things like this because this is something deeply ingrained in their nature. It is DNA deep.

To a woman, being desirable and wanted by men enhances their status. A woman’s version of hell is where no man is ever attracted to her or wants her in any way.

Translation: I am extremely hot and sexy.

If you’re a guy – what you need to do is stop “debating” with her. Because she doesn’t legitimately mean what she’s saying.

A woman from an upper middle class family living in a safe part of the country complaining about men being rapists and everyone wanting to harass her is basically saying “I am very hot and sexy and all men want me”.

It is the equivalent of a guy saying that training legs too much is bad because your thighs rub against each other and make walking uncomfortable. It’s just a way for him to signal that his legs are muscular.

It is simply self-aggrandizement and makes them feel good. There’s no need to debate the topic because the original sentence is simply a form of signalling something else.

You cannot talk them out of their belief because there is no actual belief there in the first place. You will only annoy them.

If you told the guy “but your legs are small” he would be annoyed. Likewise if you told the woman “no one will attack you” she would be annoyed.

3. Women think being compassionate is high status

Have you ever had a conversation that (in essence) went like this:

The idea is similar to above.

Women believe being compassionate enhances their status. They think being ruthless makes them appear masculine and “rough” (or less precious). This has some truth to it because when women are ruthlessly honest, men do find them to be masculine and less appealing.

So women always try their best to say the most compassionate thing. It does not matter if that thing makes logical sense or is consistent with their other (stated) beliefs.

She can say that crime is increasing but also say more foreign illegal criminals should be allowed into the country and that there should be less funding for policing and law enforcement.

Once again, this is just status signalling and doesn’t have much to do with reality. She does not actually believe there should be no police, she is simply trying to attract attention to herself and feel high status.

It’s the equivalent of the guy who always flexes his muscles in your face and says the most “masculine” thing possible to appear to be an ultra rough and tough alpha male.

There’s no need to debate the point because there is no belief you can change. She’s simply saying stuff for attention and to feed her ego as high status. There is nothing more to it.

If you want to sleep with her, occasionally agree but be cocky and funny most of the time. Basically, sleeping with many women is easy if you know what you are doing, aren’t a loser, and don’t make obvious mistakes. Most can get there with just a reading of The Book of Pook Collection and The Seduction Bible.

4. Women are often insulated from reality

This is the more obvious reason for why women say dumb shit. A ton of women who grow up in middle class and above families are kept in a bubble insulated from reality.

Their fathers instead of exposing them to reality keep them protected from the external world. This is why when these women grow up, they think being protected and provided for is something that “should” happen for everyone and are completely unaware of the pressures that most people face.

This is where you get the “If you’re homeless, just buy a house” type statements.

You will notice that this is far more common in women who grew up in relatively richer households because poor households do not have the resources to insulate their children from reality.

Rich people have “daddy’s princesses” at home who think men are oppressing them. Poor people have women who work menial labor jobs to help provide for their households.

The latter needs to keep it real or she will not survive. The former can afford to be delusional.

If you have a daughter, your job is to expose her to reality and make her strong, and not to protect her from everything and make her dumb. Most fathers treat their daughters like they are little children and never let them mature and develop.

As a result, you have airhead women who do not understand reality and think sleeping with a guy they met on a dating app is a daring achievement.

Literally any woman can sleep with a guy. All you have to do is be willing to do it because most men will not say no.

Ancient Chinese wisdom

Don’t get me wrong – I’m not complaining about this. We all enjoy such women and they have a place in our lives (experience).

But we do not want our own children and family to become them. The last thing you want is your own daughters and sisters to become the Bumble whores you used to fuck for fun back in the day.

Give your children a healthy dose of reality from a young age so they don’t become naive adults.

One great way to do this is with sports. You will notice that women who are into sports (or any kind of competitive environment for a long time) are far less unreasonable and stupid and more realistic than other women.

This is because they have had to internalize that hard work and effort and talent lead to results and people who do not do them lose. These women are the least likely to think that people should get handouts for merely existing.

Note that places where you get participation trophies do not inculcate these values. Nor do places where the game was rigged in their favor (like DEI hires).

5. Women are highly susceptible to mass manipulation

Women and low testosterone men are highly susceptible to mass manipulation. They tend to believe what authority figures tell them – much more than high testosterone men do.

Spot the high testosterone masculine men in the crowd – you can’t.

Look no further than COVID vaccination for example. Who were the people trying to shame you for not taking the “vaccine”?

It was not the manly men.

It was the women and the low testosterone men. There is something about low testosterone that makes you more likely to comply with authority (and less likely to rebel), and women have much lower testosterone levels than men.

I had a ton of people who tried to socially pressure me into getting the covid vaccine and none of them were masculine men. It was always the women and the physical faggots who tried to morally pressure me into it. (Of course I never got the vax because I’m not cattle.)

This is a big reason why women say dumb shit. As a society, our institutions and authority figures have become corrupt.

Instead of sending out good messages to the public, they send out bad information like:

  • Extreme feminism
  • Ideas that children are a burden
  • Men are oppressing women
  • All illegal foreigners are good people (while the native men are all evil)
  • A corporate career with a big job title means they are successful in life
  • Housework and childcare are lowly jobs
  • etc.

Women are more vulnerable to propaganda coming from authority figures (and TV is an authority figure) and get influenced by them – they absorb these anti-society ideas.

You will notice that seemingly normal women will go to college and come back as man hating ardent feminists. Why is that?

It’s because the authority figures in her college influenced her to be this way. They taught her dumb shit, and now she says dumb shit.

That’s all for this piece.

Hope this helps.

Your man,

Harsh Strongman

P.S. If you want a deep dive into female psychology, I recommend The Illimitable Man Audiobook. Useful for men in long term relationships, people with daughters and want to raise them well, people with a female boss, or anyone in women dominated industries (or selling to women).

If you just want to sleep with women, a copy of The Book of Pook Collection and The Seduction Bible will suffice.

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