Woman Gives Very Good Dating Advice

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I came across a post from a woman Apurva Arya that was giving some dating advice.

Most of the replies were just insulting her for being below average on the attractiveness scale. While I do think there is a lot of merit in judging people by their looks, in this particular case the advice is actually very good.

Apurva Arya stopped dating broke men, struggling men, and stopped loving men at their lowest. She is no longer trying to fix them.

Despite the trolling, the advice is GOOD and exactly what most MEN need to hear.

Most men make the exact same mistakes this woman is talking about.

  • Dating broke women and struggling women
  • Trying to fix women
  • Giving women money
  • Trying to love women at their lowest (eg. fat, 30+, and unwanted women)
  • Dating women who DRAIN them

So while the woman made the post as advice to other women, most MEN need to take the exact same advice.

WHY would you date a broke and struggling woman?

WHY would you date a woman who’s at her lowest (say overweight and above 30 years of age)?

WHY would you give a woman money?

WHY would you try to fix a woman?

None of these are smart things to do.

Let’s address it step by step:

1) Dating broke and struggling women

A woman who is broke is bad spouse material.

To be broke, you need a combination of 1) low skills and 2) bad spending habits.

People who have low skills and bad spending habits are general subpar people. This is a fact.

Being financially irresponsible shows that you lack basic self-control and diligence. This person would not make a good partner (male or female).

People who are financially irresponsible are also irresponsible in other areas of life. I run a tax and law firm and I see it ALL THE TIME.

The same women who have uncontrolled spending habits also have bad drinking habits, bad eating habits, highly promiscuous behavior, and other traits associated with low self-control.

Under no circumstances do you want to be dating a woman who has lots of debt, a dead end job, and is struggling to make ends meet. (Such a woman can be a fuckbuddy at most.)

It was her poor life decisions that led her there and her bad habits that keep her there.

You are not in the people saving business so if you are looking for anything even remotely serious, just find a financially responsible and diligent woman to begin with.

2) Dating women at their lowest

Sexual market value chart.

Take a woman who’s overweight and past her prime (say age 30 and above).

This is objectively a bottom tier woman (yes wine aunts are bottom tier regardless of how much money they earn).

It makes no sense to date bottom tier women unless you are bottom tier yourself.

Up your game so that you can find higher quality women. There is no need to settle for the leftover women.

3) Trying to fix a woman

It is much easier to find a sexy woman who doesn’t smoke and drink than to get a woman to stop smoking and drinking and lose some weight.

Dating is not about finding something damaged and out of order and then fixing them. You are not supposed to be “fixing” a broken woman. That’s a complete waste of time.

You’re almost always better off looking for women who are not damaged to begin with.

You will save countless hours of headache and wasted time if you just keep this one thing in mind: Dating is about finding the right woman who is undamaged and already has the right mindset. You shouldn’t have to do any “fixing”.

Of course you have to teach a woman and guide her so that she becomes the right partner for you, but there’s a huge difference between guiding a woman and fixing a woman.

Women who “hate men”, don’t want guidance, ardent feminists, have a “body count”, etc. – all damaged goods. Just steer clear and find a healthier woman to start with.

4) Giving women money

This is some real cuck behavior.

Giving women money is just so dumb that I won’t even waste words on it.

If you have to pay her to be around, she isn’t attracted to you bro. Your “relationship” is nothing more than you being milked for cash.

This is fine if you are okay with being a sugar daddy, but don’t delude yourself into thinking that she “likes” you.

5) Being with women who DRAIN you

The ancient books have some very useful wisdom hidden in them.

This includes women who are constantly complaining, whining, bitching, and are never happy or satisfied.

Reality is that most of these women are ungrateful and feel entitled to a great life without doing any work.

I have a distant cousin sister who doesn’t do anything. She doesn’t have a job, earns no money, doesn’t cook, doesn’t clean, has her husband pay for a maid for the house and a nanny for the kid, and has the audacity to NAG him.

Instead of being grateful for her husband providing her a leisurely lifestyle (let’s be honest – she is dead weight who contributes nothing to her house), she acts like she’s his “equal” and tries to boss him around.

I feel bad for the guy. Every time I see him, he looks closer and closer to serious depression. WHY is he with her? Because he’s dumb.

This woman brings *nothing to the table*.

If he was smart he would leave in a heartbeat (or at least stop paying for her).

The woman is supposed to assist you, support you, and enjoy life with you.

She is not supposed to be draining. You are not supposed to become her peon who she gets to nag.

This is no way to live life. If you have a woman like this, you need to leave.

Give useless entitled women the husband they deserve – NONE.

Women are FAR more pragmatic than men.

MOST women already know the things this article is talking about. The woman who made the post is stupid because she had to learn all of these things the hard way.

Women are very practical and smart when it comes to marriage and serious relationships.

Most women are not stupid and do not try to “fix” men. They look for the most successful and smart man they can find and try their luck with him.

Men are stupid when it comes to relationships. They date broke women, dumb women, draining women, nagging women, and worse.

You will never hear a man say, “Man, Jenny is hot, but she doesn’t have the income potential I am looking for”.

Most men are so stupid that they “fall in love” with the first women who will fuck them. This is the reality for most men.

Women are MUCH smarter than men when it comes to love and marriage.

(Yes there are some dumb women just like there are some smart men, but overall it holds true.)

Remember this – the woman you have is supposed to be an ASSET in your life, not a LIABILITY.

If she is a liability, then get rid of her and find yourself an asset.

It’s that simple.

Hope this helped.

Your man,

Harsh Strongman

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