10 Types of People You Should Ignore

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1) Ignore anyone who is obsessed with politics.

The people who obsess with politics are utter losers. They don’t understand that the vast majority of your life results come from the work you do yourself – building a business, hitting the gym, talking to women, eating clean, not drinking, etc. and not from politicians.

These guys consume way too much news and are very anxious and insecure people. They think they know how the world should be run despite working a desk job.

99% of the time these guys can’t even control their own household (fat nagging wife who dominates them) yet they think their opinions about the world have any meaning.

2) Ignore anyone who says everything is a scam.

These guys have either had too many bad life experiences (usually because they are extremely gullible or stupid) or have been raised to think that everyone is out to get them.

They have a very cynical view of the world and everything reeks of a scam to them.

I remember an old uncle in the gym asking me advice on losing fat, and I told him to reduce rotis and add eggs to his diet for satiety.

“But eggs are fake.”


“Eggs are fake. They have plastic in them.”

At this point I know I’ve spotted a full retard. I just smiled, agreed, and told him he should ask the gym trainers for advice.

A funny interaction I had a few years ago. Apparently buying a farm is also a “scam”.

There are all sorts of people with defeatist mindsets in the world, and “everything is a scam” is a common one.

Think of the guy who will spend $20 on a beer but think a $20 book is a waster. Or think paying $200k for a college degree is a good idea but paying $2k for an online course taught by an expert is an “overpriced scam”.

If making money online is a scam then why does The Art of X have so many 5 star reviews?

Hint: Anyone who thinks everything that costs more than chump change is “overpriced” is broke. Ironically these guys are the ones most likely to think everyone is trying to scam them… even though they are broke.

3) Ignore anyone who complains about women but can’t get laid.

Similar to the the broke guy above who thinks everyone is trying to scam him is the average internet bro who complains about all women being whores but can’t get laid.

Bro, if you think they’re all sluts why aren’t you sleeping with tons of women?

The problem is you, right? Because let’s face it… a ton of women are whores. If you’re not getting laid, that’s a you problem.

These guys will give you 10,000 pieces of advice about how women are terrible and evil and out to get you – just ignore them.

You cannot take advice about something from people who suck at it. Yes, women are whores, but so what? Why are you complaining?

You are actually in the best time to be alive because you can fuck a lot of women and still manage to find a decent one to marry.

As always – ignore any dating and women advice from people who can’t get laid. They don’t know what they’re talking about (by definition).

4) Ignore anyone who says money doesn’t matter.

This is the “zen” type of loser. Usually has some brain damage from all the drug use and excessive drinking and partying.

Anyone who says money doesn’t matter either has a lot of it (out of touch) or is a complete idiot.

Money is the thing that’s allowing you to sleep on a bed in a house instead of the street.

Money is the thing preventing you from having to deliver food parcels for overweight people.

Money is so important and useful that even adding as little as $2500 a month to your income can make your life immeasurably better. This is true for the vast majority of people even in well developed countries like the USA (Median American household income is ~$80k).

Money allows you time and resources to explore some of the most exotic locations on the globe.

Money matters and you should try to make more of it. Whether you do it the normie route (working hard at a job) or the LMM route (build your own online business).

5) Ignore anyone who says you have plenty of time.

Because you do not.

You are going to die.

But more than that, you have a finite amount of time where you have low responsibilities, good health, and high energy to build what you want.

20s and early 30s – Best time to build a body and a business. Maximum energy, most favourable hormones, little commitments to anyone by yourself. Costs are low. Can thrive on little rest.

Late 30s and 40s – Doable but harder. Often a wife and children are involved who need time and energy. You cannot pull all nighters anymore. Lack of sleep is felt the next day. The older you get, the harder it feels.

50s and 60s – Too late for most. Energy levels down. For many it makes no sense to invest 3-5 years getting to 5-10k a month. Costs already so high that you can’t quit your job. More importantly, by this time most are set in their ways and unwilling to learn new things.

In other words, you have maybe 10 good years to build (assuming you’re 25). If you waste 3 months, you’ve wasted 2.5% of it.

Time is scarce. You do not have an abundance of time. It’s the most scarce and precious resource you have.

Do not listen to anyone who tells you that you have “plenty of time”. Because you don’t.

The good news is that if you use your time well, you can get real far. It’s what Live Intentionally: 90 Day Self-Improvement Program exists for. Guys will use it for lose fat, build muscle, and get a full year worth of work done in 90 days.

6) Ignore anyone who spends half their day on Reddit.

Reddit has some good sub-communities that make for a good place to search in if you want some niche advice, but by and large is a website for losers.

Just look at the photo Reddit themselves posted at their meetup:

This is real. Not AI generated.

You cannot even make this shit up. WHY would you take any advice from anyone who looks like the people in this photo?

They are subhumans by and large. In a civilized society, they would not be allowed to come into contact with sober people and children.

Ignore anyone who you know spends a lot of time on Reddit. Their “advice” is going to be leftist zombiespeak anyway.

7) Ignore anyone who is both unfit and makes little money.

As the article I linked previously says, ’ve come up with a thumb rule where I will ignore any opinion about life/health/fitness/money from someone outright if they don’t meet it.

Here’s the rule. Note that BOTH conditions need to be met.

  • Person is 20%+ body fat or beyond (let’s say they don’t have a flat stomach)
  • Person is making less than $150k/year (unless older than 40)

In most cases these guys are all idiots.

There are some exceptions like the CEO who has a lot of equity and doesn’t pay himself a salary or the powerlifter who is fat but extremely strong.

In general though, anyone who is both fat and broke can safely be ignored. They know nothing about life, health, or money (or why would they be fat and broke).

Just smile and agree with them. No need to correct them because it triggers their insecurity as 99% of the time they think they are experts at everything (despite 0 results).

8) Ignore anyone gives advice they can learn is false with a 5 minute web search.

  • Red meat is unhealthy
  • Protein will damage your kidneys
  • Jogging will make you fit and strong
  • 20 minutes of cardio a day will destroy muscle
  • Going to college to study your “passion” is a good idea

The list is endless. Any time you see someone give you “advice” that is so obviously wrong that you can clear it with a few minutes of search, just agree and ignore.

You’re dealing with an idiot. Ask them if they would sign as the guarantor for your college debt and watch them run away.

If meat is unhealthy, why am I still alive?

9) Ignore anyone who gives you advice without experience to back it up.

Fairly obvious. Most average people think they are experts in everything.

They think they know more about your business than you.

They know more about lifting than someone who can lift 3x their total.

They know more about money than Elon Musk despite having less than a year worth of savings in the bank.

This is how average people think. They know everything about everything. They know more about writing and publishing online than me. They are experts at everything.

Only take advice from people who have experience.

This is why most college degrees are worthless. You are learning about “business and entrepreneurship” from a tenured professor. It does not make sense.

10) Ignore anyone who uses the term “real man”.

It’s a manipulation tactic to get you to do what they want.

If you have a penis and balls, you’re a real man.

You don’t need to sacrifice anything, pay for a woman, join the army, or do anything else to be a real man.

If a mosquito could talk, it would say a real man is someone who gets his blood sucked without resisting because a real man can handle the sting.

It’s a trick used to manipulate men into doing what the other person wants. Never let someone else decide what a “real man” means, especially not a woman.

Women aren’t even capable of deciding what they want to eat for dinner, much less be able to abstract and define masculinity.

That’s all for today.

Hope this helped.

Your man,

Harsh Strongman

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