How to Stop Overthinking

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Guys will regularly complain about “overthinking” not realizing that the solution to it is in their own minds.

Unless you’re doing something especially big or life changing, overthinking is one of the least masculine things you can do. Instead of taking action, you are merely thinking about action.

Either that or you are worried about what someone else is thinking about you – it is highly feminine behavior.

Most people who overthink do it out of habit and not because of “the situation” as they claim. You can tell because at all times they are overthinking about one thing or another. If it was about a situation, it wouldn’t be a recurring trend.

Today they’re overthinking one thing, tomorrow another – and it’s almost always something dumb and irrelevant. They do it out of habit and from a weird and weak feminine mindset.

Here’s how you to stop this bad habit of overthinking:

1) Stop being feminine and become a man of action.

I mean this with complete seriousness.

If you’re worrying about what someone else thinks of you, or what people are talking behind your back, or other similar nonsense – it’s time to look down and make sure the penis is still there because you’re acting like a woman.

Women are obsessed with reputation and presenting a good look because they have to. You are a man, so act like one.

Focus on being the best, and I don’t mean that “morally”. I mean try to be the strongest, richest, fastest, etc. – try to be an achiever.

When you do that, you have people who like you and people who hate you. You just have to accept that some people will dislike you no matter what.

This is mindset stuff. You have to fix your mindset and stop acting like a woman.

2) Meditate.

15 minutes a day. Just sit down and breathe. Focus on your breath and let your thoughts come and go without paying attention to them.

When you meditate, you are training your brain to be able to process emotions better.

Emotions are processed in the part of your brain called the amygdala. It’s the part responsible for triggering fear, anger, anxiety, alarm, etc.

The prefrontal cortex handles executive brain functions (decision making) and “manages” the amygdala by telling it whether the emotion is justified or not.

Meditation is like training for the brain.

Meditation makes your brain’s prefrontal cortex and amygdala stronger.

You will naturally feel less agitated and agitated at fewer things when you meditate regularly (stronger amygdala) and when you do feel that way, you will be able to control and handle it with less active effort (stronger prefrontal cortex).

3) Get into the moment.

When you are overthinking, you are essentially out of the moment. You are not in the present and not attentive to the task at hand.

You need to get back into the moment.

This is an old trick I learned from Mike Cernovich that brings you into the present really fast: What you need to do is actively observe all the input your body is taking from its senses.

Notice what you are 1) Seeing 2) Touching 3) Smelling 4) Hearing 5) Taste in your mouth.

For example:

  • I’m seeing my monitor at the moment. The wordpress editor is open. The LMM logo is on the top right…
  • I’m touching my keyboard, chair, and floor. The keys are hard and have a matte texture. The chair is soft and I can feel the lumbar support on my back.
  • I can smell pineapple that I just ate. The room smells like fresh pineapple.
  • I’m hearing the white noise of the AC and the CPU fans. I can also hear some street noise.
  • I can still taste the pineapple I just ate in my mouth.

Try it. In a few minutes of doing this, you will entirely be in the present.

4) Write your thoughts down.

Writing is a very useful tool to clear your head.

Write your thoughts down on a piece of paper. You will realize that you gain a lot of clarity just by writing down everything you are thinking again and again.

If you are facing a tough A or B type decision, make a pros and cons sheet and figure out your next move.

The goal is to get out of the overthinking, make a decision on the path you wish to take, and start taking action.

Note: Writing on the phone or desktop computer doesn’t count. It has to be pen and paper. Pen and paper have a quality that technology simply cannot imitate.

5) Realize that you can only deal with problems as they come.

“Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present” – Marcus Aurelius

This is a long term mindset change you need to absorb.

You can only deal with a problem when it actually comes up in your life. Worrying about a problem that might come is useless (unless you can take preventive action).

IF the problem comes, you deal with it with the resources you have available to you. If it doesn’t – good.

Only a fool wastes time worrying about something he cannot control or avoid. It’s the recipe for perpetual unhappiness.

Just take the best action you can with the possibility of something bad happening (maintaining good form in the gym if you’re afraid of injury, getting fire insurance if you’re afraid of fire, etc.) and relax because you can’t do much more than that.

At the end of the day, you’ve got to remember that life is fairly short, time goes by in the blink of an eye, and you will be dead soon.

In 150 years or so, no one will even remember your name. All the stuff you own and consider your property will be the possessions and property of someone else who will not know who you are.

You have a short time to be alive on this Earth so you better make some good use of it.

Overthinking is useless in all ways – it’s neither productive nor fun. Even something stupid like playing video games is better than overthinking because at least you have fun doing it.

Every second you waste worrying and overthinking about some meaningless thing is a second you completely wasted.

Now you know how to stop doing it.

That’s all for today.

Until next time.

Your man,

Harsh Strongman

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