Here’s a simple truth that a lot of people never seem to understand: You are not your past.
You are a man who has a certain set of experiences, ideas, opinions, and habits who is placed in a certain situation at this very moment.
That was a lot of words so think of it like this: Life is a video game.
Have you ever played a video game like Call of Duty or Skyrim or any other story based single player game?
You are a character who is put in a situation and you have to play from there.
Sometimes the start situation is good (easy mode) and sometimes it’s bad (hard mode) – the ovarian lottery.

Imagine god created the world today, right this moment, and he put you in this situation and put your existing memories and beliefs in your mind right now.
The game has just started and you are put in your current situation right now.
Your situation could be good – educated, ability to read and write, all body parts functioning, good parents, middle class or above, etc. That would be that you are playing on easy mode.
Or your situation could be bad – low IQ, uneducated, handicapped, poor, etc. That would be that you are playing on hard mode. (So what? You play your best anyway.)
Whatever it is, you are not your past. You are just a character in the video game of life and you have been put in your current situation as your start point.
You have been given:
- All the resources you possess (whatever money you have in your bank, assets you own, etc.)
- Whatever family you have
- All the network you possess (whoever you know, friends, enemies, etc.)
- All the knowledge you have gained from your past
- A set of habits, tendencies, abilities, etc.
- Whatever body you have with all its merits and deficiencies
- A certain but unknown amount of time to live
And your goal in this video game is to build a good life that you want to live in that period of time.
The rules of the game are such that you are not allowed to save or restart the game and you only get one playthrough.
You have to do what it takes to win in the game of life.
If you start playing a video game and you find out that the character you are starting with has bad health, no money, a sad backstory, etc. would you start crying and moping in the video game or would you grind in the game to build up better health, get resources, and improve the character’s present and future?
Of course you’d do the latter, so why wouldn’t you do the same thing in real life?
You are in a video game so play your best with whatever situations you have been put in.
Don’t have any regrets, don’t cry about the past, don’t feel sad about whatever years and events have gone by – all of that doesn’t exist. It’s just the video game back story.
Yes, other people might judge you based on your past – but so what? All of that is just part of the video game starting situation. You just work with it and deal with things and people as they come.
You start TODAY. Today is day 0. Everything before was just backstory.
God created you and the world this very moment and put your past as memories in your head.
What are you going to do with the situation and resources you have been given?
My advice? Do not ponder too much upon past negative events and faults because it gives you nothing of benefit and only weakens your confidence and spirit. Leave the past behind.
Spend your TODAY in a way that it brings you closer to your desired future life.
– Harsh Strongman