25 Signs She’s Promiscuous (Slut Tells and Red Flags)

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I’ve was in the dating scene for many years and dated lots of women. Over time my dating goals went from trying to get laid to looking for a decent woman to marry.

When you are young you look for easy promiscuous sluts because they make for easy lays. When you are older, that is precisely the type of woman you want to avoid because they make terrible mothers and wives.

The women for fun and the women for marriage are entirely different sets of women.

This piece is the opposite of the classic LMM piece How to Know if a Girl is a Virgin (Without Asking Her) meant for men looking for marriage material.

This piece is meant for guys who are looking for girls that are easy to sleep with i.e. signs a girl is a promiscuous slut.

I’ve dated more women than 99% of guys out there (including many Indian women that delusional Indian men think are “better” than western women).

I don’t talk about dating much because I don’t want to make LMM just another game blog.

These topics used to be covered by websites like ReturnofKings but RoK is now defunct so I’m publishing it here for your benefit.

Everything in this article is from my experience but the points are similar to RoK because women are not that different and most guys arrive to similar conclusions given enough experience.

25 Signs She’s a Slut

1) Tattoos: The more tattoos she has, the more promiscuous she is. The more visible they are, the easier she is to get into bed.

Also to be remembered is that women who have tiny tattoos on their ankle/wrist are women are insecure women. They usually have very boring personalities and got those tattoos to feel cooler and modern. If you can make them feel like it would be “the cool thing” to have sex with you, they will.

2) Piercings other than her ears: Especially if she has her septum, bellybutton, tongue, or nipples pierced IF those aren’t a part of her culture.

Tattoos and piercings correlate with promiscuity.

3) Smokes: “If she smokes, she fucks.” A woman who is willing to inhale cancer for pleasure is also willing to take in lots of penises for pleasure. Note that this indicator is 10x truer in more conservative countries (like India).

4) Uses drugs: Drugs are a level of degeneracy and lack of self-control beyond promiscuity. If she does drugs, then she probably also doesn’t care about how many men she has sex with. This is true even for “soft” drugs like weed and not just hard drugs like cocaine.

5) Hates men: I’ve always found it ironic but women who hate men and say things like “men are trash” tend to be extremely promiscuous and gullible.

You have to understand – WHY does this woman think men are trash? It’s because she frequently gets baited, fucked, and dumped by men. All these repeated experiences where men game them into sex and leave them (called pump and dump) make them think “men are trash”.

A portion of them become extremely masculine and try to “turn the tables”. They think by having sex with lots of men, they are using men like toys and “fucking men”.

But they are delusional.

Women do not “fuck” men. Women “get fucked” by men.

6) Takes birth control: No shit. Why do you think a single woman takes birth control? Sidenote, you really want to wear condoms because women “forget” their birth control pills all the time.

Always wear a condom if you don’t want to be a father.

7) Friends with sluts (or has sluts in her immediate family): If she is friends with sluts, she will become one too. Women are HIGHLY influenced by their environment and seek the approval of their friends.

If being promiscuous is seen as cool, then she will follow suit. This is why the people who control mainstream media run psyop sitcoms that teach women that casual sex is the epitome of freedom.

8) Lives alone: Women who live alone tend to be much more promiscuous than women who live with family. These women get bored and lonely and want to “got out”. They want men in their life to make them feel protected and not-alone.

What does that mean? It means lots of dates with lots of men (especially after breakups). Combined with the relative privacy and anonymity of living alone, it usually means very slutty lifestyles.

9) Bisexual, sapiosexual, lesbian: Basically, any of these new age “sexuality” is a strong indicator of being a slut. I’ve never met a woman who said she’s a bisexual who wasn’t a slut.

Women love using euphemisms to mask reality, and the words “bisexual” and “sapiosexual” mean “I fuck a lot” as far as I can tell.

Heads up that “not looking for hookups” is womanese for “will hookups if you are fun enough”

10) Drinks a lot: A woman who drinks a lot typically has very little self-control. This usually bleeds into her dating life. Usually bad drinking habits means lots of hookups and casual sex.

Sidenote: I am strongly against having sex with drunk women.

11) Bad relationship with her father: If she has a bad relationship with her father, she will have unstable relationships with men. “Daddy issues” as they say.

Which over time translates to a huge bodycount and lots of promiscuous behavior. With every breakup, she becomes more and more casual and sexually unrestrained.

12) Non-standard hair color: Blue hair, pink hair, green hair all point to high levels of promiscuity. I’ve noticed that this stuff also correlates with being an extreme feminist/feminazi.

The rule of nature is that bright colored animals are poisonous and you should stay away from them. The rule applies to unnatural hair color too.

Blue hair, tattoos, piercings…

13) Uses LGBTQUIONA+ terminology: If she uses the word “cis-gendered”, “latinx”, etc. it usually means she’s heavily indoctrinated by leftist ideology.

Unless you are living under a rock, leftist women are extremely slutty and view sex as just a physical act with no meaning. They are very easy to sleep with if you pretend to be leftist too but if you want my opinion, why put your dick in crazy?

14) Is into the clubbing and “party scene” (Hedonistic): Especially if she knows a lot of club promoters, bouncers, hosts, etc.

Women who are not promiscuous are rarely into dressing in bare minimum clothing and spending money to dance in clubs and bars.

These are hedonistic places meant for hedonistic people. Once in a while if fine, but a woman who goes to clubs on the regular (more than once every 3 months) is very likely to be a slut.

15) Excessive cleavage: Normal women are not comfortable showing too much cleavage. A little bit is socially trendy but too much is a sign that a woman does not view her body as .

Non-promiscuous women do not display this much cleavage in public.

16) Too much debt: Bad control over money and finances usually translates to bad control of their sexual instincts. Almost all of the sluts I know have maxed out their credit cards at some point or another.

17) Was easy to sleep with: One of those “no shit” points that a lot of inexperienced men miss. If YOU slept with her easily without any effort, she’s a slut.

Inexperienced men tend to develop feelings for any woman who has sex with them and forget the fact that if she was easy for them to sleep with, she was easy for other men too.

You are not a special unique snowflake. Don’t be the simp who falls in love with a slut.

18) Went to a leftist college or Western university: Western universities have a very strong tendency to ruin women.

I know many normal happy women from normal families who went to the USA to study and came back as huge man hating sluts.

They all hated the patriarchy and viewed casual sex as freedom. Western universities ruin women’s character.

Smashing that patriarchy.

19) She escalates the date herself: A very strong sign she’s a slut is if she starts escalating the date by herself. Normally the guy escalates (from touching to kissing to sex) and women act modest.

When a woman escalates – for example you put your arm around her on a date and she starts kissing your neck, you are dealing with a highly promiscuous woman.

20) Works in the entertainment industry: Singer, actress, stage dancer, model, etc. these girls tend to be far more immodest than women outside the entertainment industry. Note that a strong exception applies to traditional arts and entertainment (like Kathak, Bharatnatyam dancers, etc.)

21) Suddenly turns extremely religious: A woman suddenly becoming extremely religious (especially post 28 years of age) is extremely suspect and usually points to a very slutty life.

Women don’t “change” they grow older. As they grow older, their ability to get a valuable man declines and panic sets in.

Many women turn to church and religion as a way to show the world that they have “changed” and to entrap a sucker into marrying them and providing for them even after they’ve wasted the best years of their life.

Anyone with money who’s dating a girl 30 years or above is pretty much a dork getting gamed (exception is when he is 50+). And lots of men with money are dorks.

22) Has unprotected sex without being in a relationship: Another tell that inexperienced guys don’t seem to get. Inexperienced dudes fall in “love” and start thinking that the girl is “good” and “different” and that any red flag behavior was her “first time and only for him”.

Look, do not delude yourself. If she had unprotected sex with you without you being in a committed relationship with her, don’t you think she did this with many other guys too?

“I’ve never done this before” is BS that only men with little experience believe.

When it comes to promiscuous behavior, you are rarely the first. Any other assumption without concrete proof is self-delusion.

23) Mock virgins and “incels”: I have NEVER come across a normal well adjusted woman mock someone for not having sex.

It’s only women who have lots of sex with lots of men (and think that it is an achievement) who mock people for being virgins and incels. Many will even try to shame their female friends into being sluts (see #7 above).

24) Lots of cuss words: Using the words “pussy”, “cock”, “anal” etc. outside the bedroom.

25) Lost her virginity at a young age: The younger they lose their virginity, the more likely they are to be promiscuous. The shy stable ones were not having sex at 15 years old.

There you have it folks. 25 signs you need to look for if you’re interested in an easy woman for fun and pleasure, or 25 signs you need to look out for if you don’t want to marry a big liability.

See you next time.

Your man,

Harsh Strongman

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