Being an Indian and living in India for much of my life I have a lot of experience with the women here. I will give you the observations I’ve made from my experiences and the trends I have noticed.
Keep in mind that these are just broad trends – not absolute rules. There are many exceptions so be open minded when actually dealing with a girl.
1) Modern Big City Women (entitled and degenerate)

This is one of the worst choices you will ever make in your life is marrying the modern big city woman.
Most of these women are wannabe white women who have adopted all the negative aspects of western women while retaining all the privileges of traditional Indian women.
For example, most of them will:
- Drink alcohol
- Smoke (Somehow smoking makes them feel like they are free and empowered. Ironically, I’ve rarely seen western women smoke. This is entirely indigenous.)
- Casual sex (The majority of Indian city women are on apps like Bumble and Tinder. No one goes on these apps to find friends. You don’t even have to approach women anymore – I fucked a lot of Indian women thanks to Bumble. The game has never been easier.)
- Entitled. I mean very entitled. They think they are the center of the universe. Even though they work dead end jobs and have the fitness levels of a potato, the demands they have from men are endless. At some point, you gotta ask – what do you bring to the table, woman?
While at the same time possessing:
- Zero self-dependence. Wants a maid to do everything, won’t cook or clean, or look after her own surroundings. It’s not just that she won’t cook, the thing is that she can’t cook.
- No high value skills. You will often find them working low paying jobs (TCS, Infosys, etc.) that don’t even support their own lifestyle. Their expenses are so high that their own salary won’t cover them.
- Depends on daddy for everything. See above. Where does the rest of the money they need come from? Daddy. If you marry her, it will be you. You’ll barely see her since she works corporate but you now have to pay for her and bear her attitude.
- No entrepreneurial spirit. Yep. Despite being “free and empowered” most of them want to turn into corporate slaves.
This is obviously a spectrum and not true of all city women, but the richer the community and the posher the area of residence, the truer it gets.
Basically – the rich city girl is not worth marrying at all. Their worldview is far too unrealistic. Even the 2s think they are 8s.
Most of them don’t even want to have children (or have one kid) so what even is the point of the marriage?
These women are good candidates for gaining valuable dating experience but not worthy of marriage.
Give the ultra modern woman the husband she deserves – NONE.
2) Rural Woman (lifestyle mismatch)

Most of you have no business with rural women. They don’t speak much English, don’t understand your way of life, etc. The lifestyle and life experience gap is too large.
If she lives in a small village and has little to no exposure to western culture, she will not make a good wife for you – a relatively modern man living a somewhat globalized lifestyle.
The option still exists if you yourself live in a very small Indian town, but if you live in any big city in the country, bringing a village girl home is a bad idea.
3) Small Town/City Women (your best chances lie here)

For most of you, these women are your best bet.
They are traditional enough because they’ve lived in smaller towns with less anonymity and more cultural connections but has exposure to western culture so she understands your way of life.
These women are the best of both worlds – educated and modern enough while being traditional and non-entitled.
She will be educated and modern enough to understand you and your ideas while knowing traditional skills like cooking and will also understand her place in a marriage (bringing femininity, nurture, support, and care).
She is the ideal partner who can enjoy life with you without being a liability (unlike the big city girl who aspires to turn you into a slave working to provide her with a lavish lifestyle).
Of course there are many exceptions but the trend holds.
The one thing you want to be very careful of is the small town girl who has spent any length of time living by herself in a big city. These types of women become very slutty very fast.
They feel alone and bored in a new place and they know big cities are open environments where they can freely experiment, so the very first thing many of them do is get a boyfriend. The first typically doesn’t work out and a second one follows, and then the third, etc.
Most of the women I fucked in Indian city were small town women who came to the city to work. They live alone so there’s plenty of place, no one to watch them, no neighbours who care, and a culture that encourages casual sex.

Most of these women I dated went back to their hometown, acted like “good girls”, and married a nice guy who has a job and a degree.
So this guy thinks he’s with a pure woman but in reality he’s a chump licking pussy that’s had my cum in it.
This is LMM, the non-politically correct no-BS website so there will be no euphemisms here. I fucked these women in every way possible with 0 commitment. I left when I got bored. The girls conned these chumps into marrying them and providing for them.
They provided 100% commitment and a marriage contract to get something I got entirely for free and with far more passion and excitement than they ever will.
In this world there are alphas and betas, so instead of complaining about women being women, just be the alpha who does all the fucking instead of the beta who marries his leftovers.
I could fuck their wives again if I choose to (it would take no more than a few WhatsApp messages) and I’m not special – anyone with decent game can bring an ex back into his bed assuming he dominated her enough in their time together.
Remember the commandment of Poon – Fuck her good.
“Fuck her like it’s your last fuck. And hers. Fuck her so good, so hard, so wantonly, so profligately that she is left a quivering, sparking mass of shaking flesh and sex fluids. Drain her of everything, then drain her some more.”
This type of woman was fine by me when I wanted fun but if you’re looking for marriageable women, this isn’t it.

Not all women become sluts but you have no way to tell what she was doing when she was by herself. She could have had a long past relationship, or could have been a bumble slut with a double digit body count – how will you know?
Unless you have a LOT of experience with women (and maybe even then), you simply will not be able to tell if the woman is actively trying to mislead you.
This is a mistake a lot of guys make – thinking they can tell a woman’s history. Women are very good at lying about their past (and this is the one secret they are very good at keeping) so be prudent and cautious.
Most of the girls that I fucked or dated and dumped who later married never told their husbands about me (or any of their other “exes” and Bumble partners). The husband will never know and will forever live with and love this woman who’s been had by many men like me before.
This is obviously his problem and not mine, but you and I clearly don’t want to be in his shoes so be careful.
If you are a decent guy who makes good money and has a job, you’re a target for many of these lying two faced women.
My advice – get more experience with women, claim to make less money than you actually do, feign non-judgement, and just get it out of them.
I detail my process of getting the truth out from women in my article on How to Know if a Girl is a Virgin (Without Asking Her) – it works about 90% of the time when done by a sexually experienced man.
Hope that helps.
Your man,
Harsh Strongman
P.S. If you do not have any experience with women, I HIGHLY recommend getting a copy of The Seduction Bible. This is the best book on game and yes it works in India (unless you’re living under a rock, you’ll see tons of women around you do hookups, relationships, etc.) – you’ve just got to stop being delusional and actually try to get dates and close them.