From the desk of Harsh Strongman
Subj: How to quit porn and masturbation addiction
If you want to quit a porn addiction – you’ve found the right article. Get some coffee and read the whole thing because it’s a long one and will change your life.
Unlike most people, I have real experience with quitting porn (was heavily addicted to it in my teens) and I know how hard it is to quit.
Read this article, follow it, and you have my guarantee that you will stop watching porn for good.
Why is Porn So Hard to Quit (Understanding The Problem)
Before you can solve a problem, you have to understand WHY you have the problem in the first place.
The reasons why have trouble stopping your porn addiction are:
- Hormones (more specifically, testosterone)
- Habits (you’ve wired your brain to want porn)
1. Hormones

If you are in your teens or 20s, you’re going to have a lot of testosterone in you. Testosterone makes you sexually excited and also gives you the drive to go out into the world and conquer. It’s the hormone that makes you a MAN.
You have so much testosterone that you might get sexually excited a dozen times across your day.
Many people below 25 masturbate and watch porn 10+ times a day. They wonder what’s wrong with them – how come they aren’t ever satisfied? The answer is hormones.
Overcoming a pornography is much harder if you are young simply because of the hormones.
Of course we don’t want to reduce our testosterone levels (that’s throwing the baby out with the bathwater) – we want to CHANNEL it to more productive purposes (like strength training).
2. Habits / Addiction
If you have been watching porn for years, you have trained your body to want porn.
It could be:
- Right after waking up
- Right before sleeping (if you have trouble sleeping without masturbating to porn – you’ve formed a habit)
- Every time you’re bored
- Every time you’re feeling lonely
- Every time you’re feeling sad or frustrated
You have rewired your brain to seek excitement/good feelings by stroking your penis instead of getting them from solving your problems. Your Brain on Porn (India, USA) is a good book on this subject.

How often are you motivated to do something, but then decide to have a “quickie” and by the time you are done, the motivation is gone?
This is because instead of getting your dopamine from completing what you intended to do, you just got it from porn/masturbation.
This is a serious problem (regardless of what anyone says) because it can potentially ruin your life. You will literally sedate yourself with pleasure and achieve nothing in life if things continue this way.
Now that you know what you are dealing with – how do you actually fix the problem?
How to Quit Watching Porn
I’ve actually dealt with the problem so everything here is practical advice that actually works (Everything on this website is 100% practical experience – see how LifeMathMoney operates).
I won’t be giving you unhelpful suggestions like “get an accountability partner” because let’s be real – no one wants to go around asking people “Hey I am a porn addict, do you want to be my accountability buddy”.
1. Get a Girlfriend.

It is INFINITELY easier to quit porn if you have a girl you can have sex with.
When you have an extreme urge, you can just have her come by and have sex instead of going to porn to satisfy your urge.
If you don’t have a girlfriend – get one. There’s no reason to make it harder than it needs to be.
If you can’t get a girlfriend, read this article to help you get a girlfriend.
Women are out there, and they are not hard to get – so get one.
It makes the whole quitting porn thing much easier and sex with a woman is far more pleasurable than masturbating to porn.
If you’re a virgin and you’ve NEVER had a girlfriend, you need to read The Book of Pook. It’s a little dated but it will get you out of the “forever alone” trap.
Get a girlfriend and quitting porn and masturbation addiction becomes 10x easier. You don’t get a prize for doing it the hard way so do it the easy way.
2. Delete Any Stored Porn And Block Porn Sites.

If you have any downloaded porn, delete it from your phone and computer. This includes erotic books and images, not just hardcore pornography.
Install an extension on your browser to block porn sites and make sure they load on incognito mode as well.
You want to make it very hard for yourself to be able to get to porn. It’s like they say, if you want to quit eating chocolate, stop having it in your fridge.
3. Delete Your Social Media Accounts If You Aren’t Making Money From Them.
If it’s not helping you get paid – delete your Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.
Despite being “social media” these apps are full of softcore pornography with semi-nude women dancing seductively to get more likes and followers.
Things like this will get you sexually excited and make your addiction recovery process harder.
I highly recommend using social media to build a business, but it has to be run like a business. You cannot be surfing Instagram looking at girls in a bikini.
If you have no intention of using social media for business, DELETE IT.

If you do not pay attention to the urge and do not feed it, it will go away.
You want to stop watching porn but your brain is still wired to seek it. Like how drug addicts get urges to take their drug, you will start having urges to watch porn.
Your brain might show you nude images or excessively notice girls with big breasts etc. as you’re out and about your life.
Practical tip: When you get sexual imagery in your head, think of a large red X over it and imagine the sounds of a siren playing. Then distract yourself and think of something else.
Urges are temporary. They come and go. They are stronger in the first few weeks because your addiction is at the highest (the brain wiring to seek porn hasn’t had time to weaken).
Just ride the urge out. It will go away. You just have to resist it for a little bit and then it’s gone.

5. When you get a very strong urge, get blood flowing elsewhere.
If things get to a point where you have a very strong urge and you have a lot of trouble resisting – you need to get blood flowing out of your penis and into other parts of your body.
Do something like: 50 Squats, 50 Pushups, 50 Situps. This takes 20 minutes and will kill the urge.
Exhaust yourself and release the energy for something productive.
Ideally you have wife or a girlfriend (see #1 above) so you have a real outlet for these times.
6. Get endorphins from other sources (GO TO THE GYM).

From practical experience, it is much easier to quit any addiction if you can get endorphins (chemicals released in the brain that make you feel good) from other activities.
This means things like lifting weights, doing cardio and brisk walking.
You will have a much easier time stopping your porn addiction if you hit the gym regularly and get some sweat pouring.
7. Spend more time with people.
Stop being alone all the time.
People who are alone all the time masturbate a lot more than people who spend time with other humans.
When you are alone, you are more likely to be bored and more likely to stroke your penis for pleasure.
Work from an office or a coffee shop.
Hang out with your friends at night.
Go out on dates with girls.
HAVE FUN. You have one life and you should try to maximize it.
Start a business, make money, lift weights, have fun with girls, have children, explore nature – live a life worth living.
Do NOT live life ALONE.
8. Realize that porn is a symptom of a shitty life and not the other way around
When you have a shitty life, you will watch more porn simply as a way to cope with the shitty life.
People use porn as a way to cope with boredom, frustration, or anger.
If you are bored, go outside and have fun.
If you are frustrated or angry, go to the gym and lift weights.
Stop using porn as a band aid to drown any negative emotions with pleasure.
Fix your shitty life and your “need” to use porn will be much less.
Masturbation is a result of captivity. Animals who live shitty lives in zoos masturbate a whole lot more than wild animals.

From Sex, Time, and Power (India, USA) by Dr. Leonard Shlain (M. D.)
“Some male animals in captivity — for example, lions and monkeys — frequently masturbate, but it is a practice rarely observed among most animals in the wild. Observers have recorded that some species of primates, such as male baboons, do masturbate in the wild. But none approach the frequency of a young human male.”
You are an animal too. You need to stop living in a cage (aka cubicle and bedroom) and get out in the real world and live a more natural life.
If you are alone all the time, you will want to use porn to make your shitty cage a bit more tolerable.
Go out and have some fun. Stop spending your entire day in your house in front of your computer.
LIVE your life.
9. Realize that porn will ruin your life.
You have to understand… porn WILL ruin your life.
This is not hyperbole – is it 100% the truth.

Porn addiction will:
- Reduce your energy levels
- Make you more lethargic and less motivated
- Lower your testosterone levels
- Lower your success with women
- Give you erectile dysfunction
- Make you less charismatic and magnetic
You will live a far lower quality of life than you would have if you continue to keep being a porn addict.
You need to stop watching porn. YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT.
If you need a structured program to help quit porn – get a copy of Live Intentionally: 90 Day Self-Improvement Program. This program has helped 10,000+ people quit porn for good.
10. Just masturbate without porn.

Ok, let’s say you’re a young guy, no girlfriend, and you have a big urge and that you cannot resist. What do you do?
Do you load up a porn site and start jacking off? NO.
Just masturbate without porn.
That’s also an option. You don’t need to watch porn to masturbate.
Sex is better than abstinence. Abstinence is better than masturbation without porn. Masturbation without porn is better than masturbation with porn.
Once again, I strongly recommend getting a girlfriend (or two) but if you can’t – just relieve yourself without using porn. Use your imagination – people used to do that before porn was a thing.
Follow these 10 things and you’ll quit your porn addition in no time.
Hope that helps.
Until next time.
Your man,
Harsh Strongman
P.S. If you need a structured program to help you quit porn – get a copy of Live Intentionally: 90 Day Self-Improvement Program. This program has helped 10,000+ people quit porn for good.