Why You Should Stop Watching Porn

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There is nothing more detrimental to a young man than pornography. It saps you of vitality and energy, it robs you of motivation and momentum, and it leaves your body empty and tired.

Men are wired to want sex. When you hit puberty, your body starts getting flooded with testosterone, and your libido suddenly goes from 0 to 100.

And that’s when the Google searches start for most children.

“Sex video”
“Sex boobs”

And now you have an entire generation that has been watching porn since they were 13. 18-year-olds have been watching porn for half a decade or more!

You can see it in their eyes – tired, dark circles, and a drained face. They have no spirit left in them: no energy, no momentum, no ambition.

Modern culture tells you that it’s “perfectly normal” to watch porn. But they could not be more wrong.

There’s nothing normal about endlessly masturbating to a million different images of women you don’t know and probably will never see in real life to get a quick dopamine hit so your addicted brain can finally calm down for a few hours.

Just because everyone does it does not make it “normal”: it only makes it common. And yes, there’s a massive difference.

5 Reasons to Stop Watching Porn

1. You will have more energy and vitality: When you stop masturbating and watching porn, you’ll find that you have far more energy throughout your day. So much energy, in fact, that it can get hard to sleep if you don’t expend it with a nice workout.

This is almost a guaranteed outcome of semen retention.

You will find yourself lifting more weight and more often, you’ll have fewer energy slumps, no more brain fog, and your body will have far more vitality than usual.

This is something you have to experience to truly understand – the difference is tremendous. In fact, for many of you addicted since-your-early-teens people, even taking 2-3 days off from masturbation and porn will give you a taste of what you’re missing.

2. You will be more ambitious: When you watch porn, you tell your body that you are already sexually successful. After all, your brain thinks that it has thousands of women for itself. (Your brain cannot tell the difference between pixels and real life.)

When you stop watching porn, you will find yourself to be far more ambitious. You’ll want to achieve more, you’ll want to be strong and successful, you’ll actually talk to pretty girls you see – and you will be repulsed by the idea of being a fat loser who watches TV all day.

3. Your testosterone levels will rise*: Men evolved to reproduce, i.e., to seek and have sex with as many women as possible. Our DNA wants us to find women to have sex and make babies with.

That’s why we have high testosterone levels. More testosterone = more libido = more motivation to have sex.

When we are sexually successful, our testosterone levels decline – our bodies “take it easy”.

When you watch porn, your body thinks that you are very sexually successful, even when you’re not.

Porn makes your body think it no longer needs to motivate you to search for women, so your testosterone levels fall.

(This is why testosterone in men drops once they get married. And in line with point #2, you’ll see by simple observation that most men get a significant decline in ambition once they get married.)

When you stop watching porn, your body will once again start increasing testosterone production. This is beneficial to you in more ways than one.

Testosterone is what makes men strong and powerful – it makes our bones denser, our muscles grow bigger and faster, and it makes us more dominant.

It affects our libido, body fat distribution (women are soft and curvy because they barely have any testosterone), muscle mass, bones, and even the production of red blood cells and sperm.

Men with low testosterone feel lazy, tired, depressed, and weak. They can’t think clearly. They become physically weaker. They are less dominant. They even have lower stamina.

One could even say that they are lesser men (for they lack the traits of men – dominance, strength, energy, initiative, a desire to conquer and protect, etc.).

In other words, quitting porn will not only make you more energetic and ambitious, but the ancillary increase in testosterone will also leave you better off in a myriad of ways – from physical strength of the body to the will of the mind.

(* Technically speaking, abstaining from porn doesn’t increase testosterone levels itself. Porn and sexual satiety kill off your androgen receptors (more). Your body can’t do much with testosterone if it has few androgen receptors for the testosterone to bind to. People who have been watching porn for years have very few androgen receptors left.

Quitting porn allows your body to recover androgen receptors – in other words, it allows testosterone to do its thing – your body gets to make use of all the testosterone it already has. The effects are, of course, very similar to an increase in testosterone levels itself.)

4. Porn shrinks your brain: Porn is addictive in the same way as hard drugs like cocaine and heroin. It hacks the reward circuity of your brain by giving you extreme dopamine rushes and makes you crave more of it.

Over time, you need stronger and rougher porn to get off. Your brain becomes desensitized to regular porn – just how drug addicts have to keep increasing their dosage to get the same high, porn addicts have to keep increasing the intensity of the porn they are watching to get the same highs.

People go from watching normal sex, to watching anal, to looking for porn when the woman is in pain but not screaming the life out of her, to BDSM. The intensity of the videos keeps rising.

Some people even start watching gay porn even when they’re straight because they need the sexual intensity and variety.

All of this extreme stimulation ends up damaging the structure of your brain. Watching porn shrinks your brain.

“Men who watch a lot of porn tend to have a smaller striatum, an area of the brain linked to rewards and motivation.

The study also found that the connection between the striatum and the prefrontal cortex – the part of the brain associated with behaviour and decision making – degraded with increased porn watching.”

“They found that higher number of hours viewing porn correlated with a reduction in grey matter in an area of the brain called the right caudate nucleus.”

“An association was also found between higher porn consumption over many years and less grey matter in this brain area.”

5. You get a major competitive advantage: While all of your friends and colleagues are out there spilling their seed and drowning in porn and losing physical strength, ambition, and alertness in the process, you are out there full of energy and working on yourself, your business/career, and your relationships.

You have more time because you spend none of it jacking off to a screen, and the extra time and energy means you get to invest more in the things that matter to you. Compound interest takes care of the rest.

How do I stop watching porn?

The best way to stop watching porn is to just stop watching it. Go off of masturbation and porn – keep your hands in control. In some time (say 2-3 months), you should find yourself recovering.

However, if you’ve been watching porn for years and decades – it’s going to be incredibly hard to stop at once. Do it anyway.

You will need to study the pattern of addiction and provide yourself with alternate sources of dopamine when the urge strikes, such as exercise or even stretching.

If you’re interested in a structured program that gives you a new routine daily entirely, check out Live Intentionally: 90 Day Self-Project. It has changed saved many lives souls, and it can change save yours.

(The program makes the journey easier because it introduces alternate dopamine sources. Just like it’s easier to eat healthy when you’re also working out, it’s easier to quit your addictions when you’re filling the void with other new and better habits.)

If you still can’t manage to break away, try this:

Quit porn first without quitting masturbation. In other words, continue masturbating but use your imagination. Give it a few months for your brain to no longer crave images and videos.

Once you are good with no porn, only then move on to curbing down masturbation.

This way takes longer, but if you’ve tried and repeatedly failed, go this route. It will eventually lead to the same destination.

Further reading: Your Brain on Porn (India, USA)

Read next: How to Stop Watching Porn

Until next time.

Your man,

Harsh Strongman

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