How Much Does X Pay For Views: Real Numbers With Screenshots

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If you were wondering how much does X pay for views in ad revenue sharing, this article will give you real answers with screenshots.

Note: This article is regularly updated with newer numbers.

Life Math Money X Ad Revenue Earnings

From April 13, 2024 to June 8, 2024, I made exactly $283.81 from X Ads Revenue sharing. I have ~380K followers.

You can see a screenshot of my creator earnings dashboard below:

Of course these numbers are meaningless without context, so I dug up my twitter analytics dashboard to find out how many impressions I got in the time frame.

I got 14 million impressions on my Tweets in for that period – screenshotted below:

At the moment, X only shares revenue for ads seen by verified accounts in the replies of your tweets and on your profile page.

This means any ad views from non-verified accounts don’t add to my payout. In other words, the impressions number is not very relevant, but it’s the only “context” available so far so we’ll use it.

I made roughly $.02027 RPM (revenue per 1000 impressions) or about $20.27 per million impressions.

This is my personal account that I actively manage so the earnings are towards the higher side of the spectrum.

Of course you might make more or less depending on what percentage of your followers are verified accounts and how many of them click to see the replies to your tweets (as only ads for replies are shared currently).

48 Laws of Power X Ad Revenue Earnings

Here is another account I own (48 Laws of Power). This is a fully automated account that doesn’t do any replies i.e. the earnings are expected to be lower.

and here are it’s X adshare earnings:

From April 13, 2024 to June 8, 2024 , the account made exactly $162.67 from X Ads Revenue sharing. The account has 396K followers.

I got 13 million impressions in that period, screenshotted below:

The ad revenue is $0.01251 RPM (revenue per 1000 impressions) or about $12.51 per million impressions.

Note again that this is an entirely automated account that doesn’t interact with anyone and just posts tweets so the earnings are towards the lower end of the spectrum.

X Payout for Views – What to Expect

Most accounts are making somewhere around $10-20 per million impressions.

I’ve privately verified this with some of my friends who also run big X accounts.

Most of you with less than half a million followers are going to make less than $200 a month.

You can use the calculator below to estimate how much you can expect to make from X ad revenue sharing.

X Ad Revenue Calculator

RPM (Revenue per 1000 impressions)

X Payout RPM Reference Table

X Ad Revenue RPM EstimateRPM (Revenue per 1000 impressions)
Very Low0.005
Very High0.025

“Why is my X payout so low?” – Answered by X Engineer Eric Farrago

Short answer: You don’t have as many verified followers.

X Engineer Eric Farrago answers why some creator’s X payout is so low

“Why is my payout so low?” is a top question from creators every time we do a payout.

I’ve looked into countless numbers of these to make sure there are no bugs in the calculations. By far the most common reason is lack of engagement from Verified users.

Some top creators have wildly different numbers of Verified followers as well. I look at a couple of creators in this last batch. I looked into a few top creators (by follower account) who had only 2.5% of their following as Verified.

I saw other examples where creators had upwards of 10% of their followers as Verified. On a per follower/per impression basis, the creator with 10% of their following as Verified will earn significantly more than a creator with fewer Verified followers. This is why smaller creators with a high Verified following can earn as much as a much larger creator with mostly non-Verified followers.

The goal here is simple: creators should not be able to earn larger payouts by inflating their metrics with fake impressions. While Verified users will never be 100% bot free, the difficulty in faking engagement with Verified accounts is significantly more difficult and costly than with non-Verified accounts.

Comparing raw impression numbers between creators is not actually very useful. But there’s work for X to do here too: it’s not the fault of creators that they’re confused. There no way to see your Verified followers or Verified impressions, which is important to understanding your payout. Providing creators with more information will help them adjust their content strategy to earn more on X. We will improve this.

– Eric Farraro (X Engineering Team)

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