A lot of guys will claim that they can’t get laid because they aren’t rich or are too ugly to get women.
They think that if only they were:
- Taller
- Had better looks
- Had a better income
- Were a different ethnicity
- or something else
They would be killing it with women.
Here’s the truth though: Even with things, they would suck almost as much with women as they do now.
Because while being taller, richer, etc. help with women, they aren’t the primary factor that works with women.
The main thing you need to score women is GAME.
GAME = Confidence, charm, frame, humor, in other words – your personality.
Game is what gets you laid.
Game is what makes her break her “rules” for you.
Game is what makes a woman want you “despite your flaws”.
Game is what makes women want to sleep with you without commitment.
Game is the difference between a guy who sleeps with a lot of women and the frustrated chump who gets used as an emotional tampon but never actually attracts women.
Everything else helps and increases your close rate, but it isn’t the main thing.
Yeah more girls will want you if you are taller. More will want you if you look better. Even more will want you if you have a lot of money.
But guess what – the world is full of tall beta males who can’t get laid.
There are tons of handsome guys who get zero attraction from women because they are just so pathetic.
The vast majority of rich guys get disrespected and dominated by their ugly fat wives.

There are guys out there who are richer than you, taller than you, look better than you, and still have zero success with women.
There are guys out there who are poorer than you, shorter than you, uglier than you, and even all three, and still pull more women than you.
The variable is game.
Learn to vibe with a chick. Learn to charm them. Learn to make her crave your attention.
Speak with confidence, don’t be timid when you approach her, and live an exciting life that all women want to be a part of.
If you can’t even get a girlfriend, what you need to do is improve your GAME.
Making more money or fixing your looks will not necessarily help with women (unless you’re SEVERELY lacking in one of them eg. stained yellow teeth and dressing like a homeless guy).
In fact, money and looks without game attract predatory women who will eat you alive. Learning game is non-negotiable to live a good life.

The fact is that you WILL live a shit life if you suck at game.
This is regardless of how much money you make, how much you lift, how hardworking and dedicated you are, etc.
(Moreover, if you are a noob with women, you’ll probably end up marrying some guy’s “ex” without even realizing it. I’ve dated many normal girls who later married with some nice hardworking guy with a degree and a job. I don’t think their husbands will be very happy to learn the truth about their wives.)
Long story short, Dealing with women is a big part of a man’s life. Be it casual women, girlfriends, wives, or even sidechicks.
If you are lonely as hell or in a shit relationship, you will be miserable regardless of your career success.
If you get married to the wrong woman, you will end up wasting at least a decade of your life and possibly even more if you had children with her. Not knowing game can potentially ruin your life.
Just learn game.
Women ain’t that hard. You don’t need to be tall, rich, handsome, or highly successful just to get a few women in your bedroom.
Sure if you are short, broke, ugly – they might not be the best quality women. But to act like you are single and lonely because you don’t have money or looks is beyond insane.
You don’t need to be top 1% in everything just to attract women.
Date the girls you can now. As you get better in life, date better girls.
It’s that simple.
Stop telling yourself that if only you had better looks or more money you’d have lots of women in your life. If you can’t get women without money and without looks, odds are that you can’t even with all of those things.
Hope that makes it clear.
As always, if you are bad with women, here are the resources I recommend:
- Read The Book of Pook (Old book written before texting and online dating were a thing. Covers mostly mindset stuff. Life changing read for many – including myself.)
- Get Seduction Bible (Best modern resource on the subject and regularly updated. I highly recommend this.)
Your man,
Harsh Strongman