Is this you?
I feel sad and depressed if I don’t get any sugar.
I need some sugar after my meals or I feel agitated.
I need sugar to feel calm and happy. If I don’t get sugar, I get angry faster.
When I am bored, I eat sugar.
When I am sad, I eat sugar.
When I feel upset, I eat sugar.
When I feel lonely, I go out and eat some sugar to feel better.
I strongly crave something sweet after my meals.
I eat sugar to distract myself from my life’s problems.
If I don’t have sugar every few hours, I feel annoyed.
If this is you – you are an addict.
Your depression, anxiety, anger, upsetness, and cravings when you don’t get sugar are the symptoms of addiction.
It’s time to get some discipline in your life and quit for good.
Being addicted to sugar is not normal. Constant sugar consumption does nothing except slow you down.
Take 90 days off sugar and see how much better your health gets.
When you quit sugar for 90 days, you will have:
- No more cravings
- Less fat on your body
- Better metabolic health
- More alertness and vigor
- And regular foods will taste sweeter instead of bland
Instead of living like an addict, take the Live Intentionally: 90 Day Self-Improvement Program and get back in control of your life.