Here’s a cold hard truth: Hookers in Thailand hustle harder than most men who claim they want to be successful. They smile at every passing man and might even grab their hand. In the meantime, the average guy is too afraid to even send a cold email out.
I’ve been around on the internet for a while and I’ve built many businesses that make me money from it. And I’ve also built many businesses that didn’t make any money or made so little that it’s fair to deem them as failures (think $500 a month).
I’ve run this hobby blog for many years and spoken to lots of readers over the years some of whom were doing well and some who were doing not so well.
There is one clear difference between the guy who does well with LMM and the guy who keeps reading for years but doesn’t have much to show for it: FAST ACTION.
When I speak to a winner, he will tell me all the X, Y, and Z things he built in the last 12 months. Not always successful yet, but they are trying and the thing they built are proof.
If they have a business guide like The Art of X, they are executing it the same day. They don’t just buy it and never use it.
In one day they have a workable account on X, applied for premium, and their first few tweets and replies already posted.
In a few months they’re making money.

On the other hand, when I speak to a loser, they give me 10 excuses about why they couldn’t do it “yet” and why if only I answer their few questions they will be successful.
In the meantime they will “wait” for an answer because that’s what losers do – they look for an excuse to “wait”.
Because when you “wait” for something, you get to stay a loser without the guilt because you can delude yourself into thinking that you’re just about to start.
12 months go by and they’ve built nothing. NOTHING.
Not even a website which costs $5 a month to host. Or even a free YouTube account that anyone can create.
They are always waiting for more “information” and “solutions” instead of taking action.
I get it, taking action is hard. That’s why very few people do it.
Most people are not born to be businessmen. Most people are born to be paper pushers and big corp slaves who talk among their own about how bad their “manager” is and “one day they will start a business”.
They are the equivalent of the people who read all day online about “girls” but don’t actually go and talk to girls. They read 100 game blogs and become “girl experts” but haven’t even slept with 10 women.
But somehow they complain online with all the other losers about how all girls are whores… (if they’re all whores why can’t you get laid?)
This is something I wrote in the introduction to my free ebook No-BS WiFi Money:
CAN this book make you $1000 in 30 days? Yes.
WILL this book make you $1000 in 30 days? Probably not.
This is not because there’s something wrong with the book.
It’s because most people are inherently lazy losers who like to keep “collecting information” and lack the motivation and drive to take action.
60% of the people who have this free guide will not even read beyond a few pages (many won’t even open it).
30% will read it, then open up a pornography website because they are addicted to getting a dopamine hit every 20 minutes, and leave the execution to “tomorrow”.
9.5% will read the full guide and work on it for 4 days… and then give up because they wanted instant results that they didn’t get. Sending 20 pitches per day is hard, and people don’t like doing hard things.
Only 0.5% of you will read the full guide, implement it for the full 30 days, make the $1000 and even more.
Basically, for 99.5% of you – this guide will not work.
Unless you have internal motivation and drive to put in the work, I can guarantee that this guide will not work for you. You might as well close this guide and go watch a movie or something.
The introduction has held true to its words.
The losers of life – the people who get nowhere – never take any consistent action.
They have spurs of motivation and might do some work every once in a while, but they never put in consistent effort every day.
When I get an email from someone who asks for a discount saying they cannot afford an LMM product, I tell them they can just make their money with my free guide.
Then I get excuses.
Making money on the internet is work. If you can do the work, then everything works, be it cold email, copywriting, X, web design, graphic design, or whatever else.
If you’re unwilling to do the work, then nothing works.
Then you just keep reading books and blogs and watching YouTube videos about success while years go by and you have zero online $$$ in your bank accounts.
LMM is actionable advice. If you’re not taking action, you’re doing it wrong.
If you’re not making money online, your life will keep getting worse and worse. This is the world we live in whether you like it or not (wages do not keep up with inflation slowly bleeding out anyone who’s not asset rich or a businessman).
So you can either keep complaining about your “manager” and delude yourself that you will do something about building a business “tomorrow” or you can take FAST ACTION TODAY.
As said before, 60% won’t even read this far into the article.
30% will read it but get distracted by something else and never take any action.
9.5% will start but quit after 4 days because they want instant results.
My writing is primarily intended to that 0.5% who have the genetics/IQ/internal motivation (combination of the three) to take action over the long term.
Because at the end of the day, those are the people who get anywhere and make a difference. The rest just keep reading for years and have no physique or money to show for it (because results come from action not reading).
Remember the formula for success: 10% reading 90% action. If you spent 1 hour reading, spend 9 hours applying it.
Most do the opposite – 90% reading and 10% action. Those are people who slowly become weirdos – the dad bod guys making $150k a year or less but think they’re the shit while coming up with all sots of excuses to justify their delusions (“It’s because I live in X country” in the internet age).
Hope that helps.
Your man,
Harsh Strongman
P.S. Since some of you asked for it, I’ve built a bundle where you can get The Art of X and Live Intentionally together at a discounted price. If interested, you can check it out here.