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Firstly, I fell sick with lung infection that make it really hard to do any focused work. It started from my mother, spread to my dad, and then to me and my wife.

My wife was the worst victim of it because she’s pregnant and cannot take any medicines and must recover naturally. I wasn’t able to work at all so I took a few days off.

When I turned my PC on again after a few days, my keyboard had stopped working properly. Eh well. I had spent almost $200 on this keyboard (full size ducky one 2) but no big deal – life happens.

The thing with life is that there is always something or the other that “gets in your way”. You need to find a way to do what you want to do despite it. For example, this email was written on my phone instead of on my workstation.

Now I could cry like a bitch about my situation with all the pressure of being ill, having a product launch coming up (a full course on copywriting), having a pregnant wife to take care of, with my electronics failing, and so on and so forth.

But what does that accomplish? We are not women and we are not children who can rely on someone else to help if we fail. When a man fails, no help arrives. We have to be strong.

Now I’m not complaining about this. This is simply a statement of fact. As a man, you have to push yourself. If you don’t, no one will come to save you anyway.

You can cry about life and how hard it is for you.

You can talk about how hard it is to lose weight or look good. Or how hard you have it with women.

Or about your nine to five or nine to nine (for my third world readers with long commutes) and you can bitch about your “manager”.

But what does that accomplish? It doesn’t solve your problem.

Talking and complaining and crying are women’s solutions.

Living in frustration but changing nothing (i.e. pushing yourself but not solving the problem) is a spiritually gay man’s solution.

I mean if you’re fat and complaining about losing weight and not eating clean. Or have a shit 9 to 5 and complaining about being a broke wagie and aren’t working on an online business (reading about it doesn’t count)… you are spiritually gay.

To put it in more clear terms, you are at some spiritual level getting fucked in the ass (this is not a politically correct blog). Now I’m not saying that you enjoy it, you could be completely frustrated with your situation for all I know, but if you are taking no action to resolve these easy problems, then at some level you have made your peace with it.

So many people have high blood pressure. They are literally dying from it. Much of it can be fixed by losing all the extra fat. How many do?

Imagine dying without knowing what strength and beauty your body was capable of.

Imagine dying without doing 99% of the things you would have enjoyed doing because you lacked money and time because you work a job instead of building a scalable business.

Regret? Shame? Guilt?

What I can tell you is that the people who want to make it find a way to do it.

The guy who works a 9 to 5 then works a 6 to 12 to build his second income stream. I know because I’ve been there. It was a long time ago (feels like a distant dream) but online business changed my life. At this point this hobby blog makes more than most people’s salary.

The aim is to send the elevator back down. To help those who are like me, just a decade behind, trying to make it. This blog has helped 10,000+ people make their first $1 online.

When you make your first dollar online your mindset changes. You are no longer the same man.

It’s like a vegan who switches to a diet with real protein in it. You just feel great and don’t want to go back. Not all vegans obviously, some are just… spiritually gay.

Now I have nothing against veganism and I have nothing against people who are happy with their 9 to 5.

But at some level we all understand that there is something very emasculine/gay about being proud of being an employee/vegan.

To be happy with not being the master of your own fate. To have someone else tell you what to do, what to wear, how to talk, and pay you a meager penny for it. To not give your body the nourishment it evolved to get. Stuffing your face with sugars and soy.

I don’t know what kind of father I’ll become, but one thing is for certain: I want to give my children all the skills they need to succeed in the world.

It’s something I’ve learned from all my rich clients in my tax/law consulting business. It’s about skills not about money and property.

There are clients who died leaving their children with money or property or both… and their children destroyed themselves. I mean, grown men who do nothing but watch TV. They have a bunch of offices they’ve rented out and just eat the rent.

No growth, no self-improvement, just a slow decay. Like a domestic animal who doesn’t have to hunt for it’s food – it loses all of its instincts and becomes docile. Spiritually gay.

Like the lions in Thailand. Tourists could literally piss on their faces and they wouldn’t do anything. They are physically lions but spiritually they are worms.

What I want to do instead is to leave them full of skills. Like in the wild, the mother lion doesn’t leave her cubs with enough meat to last a lifetime. She teaches them to hunt.

You gotta teach your children the skills of success. Things like how to build things (eg. programming), how to sell (copywriting), social skills, dealing with women (you don’t want your sons to be beta males), and so on and so forth.

Of course you must leave some amount of money too. But as they say, it should be enough to let them do what they want to do, but not so much that they can choose to do nothing at all.

Children like many things in life are about “doing your best”. Of course you don’t know everything so mistakes will be made. But you do your best.

But you still need to do your best. You cannot be spiritually gay about it.

An example of spiritually gay parenting is what you see a lot in Indian cities. It’s where the parent treats schools and tuition as a way to raise the child. The kid goes to school from morning to late afternoon. Then the kid is sent to tuition for more studies.

The kid is barely around their parents to learn from them. 90% of what they learn comes from paid teachers, who are not the brightest people around.

My cousin sister is a school teacher. She has a bunch of degrees but never worked a real job because she couldn’t get one, and as a last resort, became a teacher.

First it was bachelors. Then it was masters. Then it was some diploma. Did zero work. Then got some guy with a government job to marry her. Then couldn’t find any employment at all so started working at a local school. These are most of your teachers.

99.99% of the time, the dumbest citizens of our country become teachers. And the spiritually gay let these people raise their children for them.

“Going with the flow”

All the other parents do it. So I do it. Everyone around me works a job so I work a job. Everyone is overweight so it’s normal to be overweight.

All of this is when you’ve made your peace with getting fucked by life.

All I can say is… FIGHT BACK.

Build stuff. Learn to sell. Make online money. Have many children. Teach them useful skills.

I always laugh in the face of feminists who tell me “children are a burden”.

I always tell them that only the fittest survive.

The spiritually gay just die out.

Look at the fags. I know a bunch of them. They have a degree and a job. So does their wife.

They have either no kids, or 1 kid, or literally have a dog they treat as a kid.

I was recently visiting a very well off part of India and I was shocked to find grown ass men with strollers… that has a cat in it.

The wife took a picture of him because she found it hilarious. I’ve hidden his face for his privacy.

If you’re having a bad day, remember that it could be worse. You could be a guy publicly walking around with a cat in a stroller.

– Harsh Strongman

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