How to Maximize Your Time in College

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Back when I was in school, teachers used to spew bullshit like “college is supposed to be fun” and that “the degree you choose doesn’t matter – you’re supposed to enjoy and like the subject”.

Of course, just like many other things that come out of the mouths of the school teachers of today – the idea that “college is supposed to be fun” is complete bullshit.

You have to keep in mind that unlike back in the day when only the best and brightest were allowed the privilege of becoming a teacher, today only our dumbest become teachers.

Most teachers of today only become teachers because they cannot find any other higher paying job (yes, there are exceptions – but about 60% of teachers are teachers because they can’t do anything else).

In other words, if you got life advice from a school teacher – it’s probably bad or generic advice.

Back to the topic – College is not supposed to be fun. College is supposed to be HARD.

You’re investing 3-4 years of the most prime years your life here and paying tens of thousands of dollars for it – so it better have very good ROI.

How to Maximize Your Time in College

1. Pick a degree that pays well

Pick a degree that pays well right out of college. Something like computer science or law can be good places to start depending on your preferences.

No matter what you do – don’t opt for degrees that are “interest only” but have no marketable value. What are you going to do with a degree in history or English literature? Makes no sense to do it.

If you like history, study it yourself. You don’t need college for it.

For that matter – you can even learn computer science by yourself. I did – check out the OSSU.

Sidenote: Some people say anything in STEM is a good idea but that’s bad advice. Most STEM degrees are pretty useless – like mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, etc.

What you need to do is have a look at actual payouts after graduation to see if a degree is worthwhile.

Like the accountants say – count the cash.

2. Get internships and work experience

The most important thing that employers care about is actual work experience (Even more than your GPA).

Remember, businesses want people they can “plug and play” i.e. have the guy show up and be productive fast.

Most employees with no work experience take months before they are profitable i.e. producing more than their salaries.

They need a TON of attention and training to be able to do their jobs properly without a lot of supervision. Most people right out of college can’t even write a proper formal email to a client.

If you hired someone, spent time and money training them, and they left your company in 6 months – you lost money by the hire. Not what you wanted.

This is why businesses strongly prefer people who have work experience. They become profitable much sooner. They already know how to work and just need to understand their new workplace’s systems.

Remember – your employer does not care about your degree. They care about how much money they can make off of your work.

A guy with a 90% GPA and lots of work experience is a far superior hire than a guy with 100% GPA and no work experience.

3. Don’t get a girlfriend

Serious relationships suck in time and attention. You will have to manage the woman’s emotions and give her a significant chunk of your time and attention.

A woman is not just the time you spend on dates but also 1) Time you spend chatting with her 2) Time you spend talking to her 3) Time you spend dealing with women’s emotional bullshit 4) Time you spend thinking of her.

A young 21 year old man should not be spending his time on serious relationships.

If you want to get laid, then party and get laid every once in a while – but don’t get into a serious relationship. You probably aren’t going to marry your “college sweetheart” and will likely regret your decision to not enjoy all the commitment-free easy college women.

College is a time when you should be building yourself and your career – not wasting your time away on relationships.

Remember, serious relationships are about marriage which is about having children. You aren’t anywhere close to needing that yet so focus on building yourself first.

You can have serious relationships when you are reasonably successful and are happy with your income levels.

Besides, the woman you can get at 28 is far superior to a woman you will get at 21 (because women pick the most successful men they can find).

P.S. You should date a few women casually because the experience will help you over the long run. Just avoid serious relationships.

4. Don’t start drinking

While the drunk frat boy looks cool – drinking is terrible for your body. It slowly fucks up your brain, liver, and all your vital organs.

You’re in college and money is already scarce. Why would you spend what you have to ruin your own body? Just say no to this poison.

The last thing you want in your life is being addicted to alcohol.

This can be harder than it sounds because in many colleges, you’re encouraged to drink. It’s considered “manly” and you might be mocked for not drinking.

Be smart and make the best long term choices. No drinking and no drugs. Just say NO.

5. Network and build connections

You want to network with a lot of people who can help you find employments opportunities. This means attending a few college events and building warm relationships.

Every friendship/acquaintance is an investment – so try to build ones that pay off.

This means you don’t “network” with losers and dorks on the path to life failure. It means you try to build friendships with people who have high likelihood of future successes.

It also pays off to make friends with people who are 1-2 years senior to you. When you graduate, these guys will already be working at some or the other place. If you want your resume sent up to their employers, they will be your referrers.

I will repeat – every connection you build is an investment, so make them wisely and try to build those that have the maximum likelihood of paying off.

6. Study hard on the subjects that matter

In all degrees, there are some courses that are important and will be useful when you actually try to do things in the future, and some courses that are pretty much useless but mandatory.

Study hard on the useful stuff because it will pay off. I will repeat – everything is about Return on Investment (ROI).

On the other hand, the courses that are useless – do the bare minimum and nothing more.

The last thing you want to do is spend your nights up studying “Importance of diversity and inclusivity” or some other mandatory woke nonsense.

You’re better off just learning to code from the internet (cheaper and pays better).

Hope this helps.

Your man,

Harsh Strongman

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