Career Success is Not Success With Women

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This is the story of a guy called Prasanna Sarkar, a tech founder who built Rippling, a company worth $10 Billion.

His wife cheated on him and filed false cases on him to extort him for maximum money. Here is his story from the original tweet:

My name is Prasanna, who previously founded Rippling (worth $10B); I’m going through a divorce. I’m now on the run from the Chennai police hiding outside of Tamil Nadu. This is my story.

Born in Chennai, lived here for 20 years. I studied in NIT Trichy where I met my wife. I was ranked as #1 coder in India. I went to the US to start technology companies.

Me and my wife, Dhivya, were married for 10 years and we have a 9 year old son. Recently our marriage broke down after I discovered she was having an affair, with a person named Anoop for 6+ mos.

Anoop’s wife sent me the message my wife had sent Anoop and hotel bookings she made for him.

After that we were negotiating the terms of how many million dollars I need to pay her, as a part of our divorce. She was unhappy and decided to instead filed a fake police complaint against me saying I hit her.

After that we were negotiating the terms of how many million dollars I need to pay her, as a part of our divorce. She was unhappy and decided to instead filed a fake police complaint against me saying I hit her.

Later, she made further fake complaints that I raped her (1 mo after the alleged rape). That i circulated her nude videos. etc. Singapore police have investigated these allegations, found them baseless and have cleared me from all charges.

I filed for a divorce in India. She filed for a divorce in the US, to try and make more money from the divorce.

She then proceeded to abduct my child to the US to help with her divorce case. I filed an international child abduction case in the US. And the judge ruled in favor of me and asked to return the child.

Since she had violated laws in Singapore, she negotiated with me to instead come to Chennai, our home town and settle down here. We signed an MOU – I’d pay her approx 9 Crores and 4.3 Lakhs/month.

[The story goes on to detail that the money was not enough and the woman continued to file false cases on him like a kidnapping case which forced him and his family to into hiding from the police… read the full tweet thread here]

The Big Lesson

Never fail the green line test…

Ok, just kidding. You should never fail the green line test, but that’s not the main lesson here.

The big lesson is that career success is not success with women.

This guy founded a billion dollar company and still ended married to an overweight woman who cheated on him and then divorce raped him… and tried to take away his child.

She also tried to ruin his reputation with a false rape case, false kidnapping case, false accusation of circulating her nude videos, and many other false cases.

Being good at making money (business or job) is an entirely different skill from being good at dealing with women.

Just look at all the rich people you know. Even billionaires. The vast majority of them have fat ugly wives.

Why is this the case? Because money making skills are different from women skills.

These guys might be rich. They might be great businessmen. But they are still beta males.

This guy Prasanna’s case is sad (tragic even) but have an objective look because this happens to this type of men EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Prasanna is an example of the typical career focused beta male getting fucked over by a female centric legal system.

The incentives are against you. You can be a completely innocent and loyal man and a woman can blatantly cheat on you and still force you to pay her alimony, a monthly maintenance, and take away your children

The police and legal system will side with the woman. In other words, you cannot just rely on a woman’s goodwill to make a marriage succeed.

First off, marriage is about children. If you marry and have zero children, you are a cuck. You gave up all of your sexual and a lot of your personal freedom to a woman for no reason. Cuck.

If you don’t want to have children, don’t marry. The main reason to marry is children.

Secondly, if you marry, do it socially and societally, not legally. Have your ceremony but there is no need to sign papers.

The only thing involving the government does is destroy all of your rights in the system. If a woman loves you, she won’t need you to sign a government paper to prove it.

Thirdly – and this is important – If you are going to marry, you need to get a whole bunch of experience with women before you do.

The only way to build skills with women is to date women.

Other than the fun and pleasure, it will help you:

1) Learn what is the right type of woman to marry.

    All the obvious stuff like not marrying women with “body counts” aside, you need to date enough to know your own preferences. Do you prefer a woman who’s shy or outgoing? Hobbies, etc.

    For example, I love to trek and climb mountains. My wife does too so we can have a lot of fun together.

    On the other hand, one of my climbing buddies is married to a chick who hates trekking so he either has to do it solo or hear her constantly complaining about “how much more of this is left” and “this is too tiring” every time she joins in.

    You can only learn what you want out of a woman by dating many women. Hopefully this should be obvious to you.

    2) Avoid predatory women disguised as simple traditional women.

    You know that any woman can dress conservatively and talk modestly. There are tons of whores who do exactly this.

    There are so many women who fuck around a lot and then act decent and trad when it’s time to get married. 100x true in countries like India where social stigmas are higher.

    Some have boyfriends while others were fucking random dudes on Bumble and Tinder. This is how it is whether you like it or not.

    You can either complain about it or you can game the system to your advantage – sleep with whores and marry the good ones.

    The main thing is that unless you have experience, it’s very hard to tell them apart. Women are really good at hiding their past.

    A bunch of the girls I’ve had in my life are married to normal guys with stable jobs. These poor bastards financially and emotionally support women that me and many other men had for free.

    If only they had more experience they would not be in this situation. 90% of the time they don’t even know of their wife’s past.

    Learning this truth is very hard on beta males because deep down they know they’ll end up like these men… married to a wife that’s been the property of other men before.

    Instead of learning game to be on the winning side of the crazy world we live in, they will either:

    1. Get really upset and sad about it
    2. Blame women for being whores (If they’re all whores why can’t you get laid?)
    3. Call men who get laid manwhores (Hint: The men you call manwhores don’t actually care what you think and laugh as they fuck your future wife)

    Sad truth is that most just don’t want to do the work to improve. You gotta date women to learn about women.

    3) Have a frame so good that a woman doesn’t want to cheat

      Let’s go back to Prasanna. Not only does he fail the green line test, but he also has a very weak frame.

      You can tell this by the fact that his wife is obese. His wife is so comfortable that he would not leave that she feels safe putting on all the weight. Over time her respect for him has declined to the point that she cheats on him.

      Now it is still the woman’s fault for cheating, but he did contribute to it. If you go to China and talk shit about the CCP and get arrested, it’s still China’s fault for being an oppressive country but you too could have done things differently.

      If you had good frame, a woman will never get so comfortable in the relationship that she can become an overweight nagging hag… because she will be afraid of you leaving her.

      Just look at this.

      “He always used to mention his wife in all his interview, all talks, very proudly.”

      This is WEAK FRAME. His woman is everything to him. This is how beta males operate.

      If you don’t get how weak his frame is just from the screenshot above – you are severely lacking game.

      No matter how good you are at making money, women are a different skillset.

      Money does not fix beta.

      We all know it’s a bad idea to lead with money on a date. Showing off money is a great way to attract terrible women who will pretend to be exactly what you want to get access to your cash.

      We all know this is true.

      But guess what? These very guys lead with their money (careers) when it comes to marriage. The same thing happens.

      And even when it doesn’t, their lack of game eventually makes the woman stop respecting them. It makes them seek other men for fun and excitement. Because you’re too boring and undeserving of sexual energy (she starts thinking of you like a brother).


      It has to be a priority.

      The good part is that unlike learning many other things in life, learning game is not hard not grueling. It’s a lot of fun and you will have a get a lot of pleasure (literally) in the process.

      And… it’s a transferable skill as dating is a type of sales. There’s no reason to not do it. You will learn stuff that will be useful for the rest of your life and have a lot of fun doing it.

      – Harsh Strongman

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