I’ve dealt with thousands of people from business, dating, my consulting practice, working corporate, and I’ve noticed a few common patterns in people who are evil.
When I say evil, I mean EVIL. I don’t mean people who are merely sharks (highly selfish and only care about themselves). Evil is much more than sharks – they are people who enjoy watching the world burn.
With these types, you want to identify them and stay away i.e. don’t have sex with them, don’t make them your business partner, don’t become their “close friend” or associated with them, etc. because anyone who comes close to them takes damage (today or tomorrow).
This is unlike sharks because with sharks you merely need to be extra careful in your dealings but otherwise it’s a non-issue. Sharks might even make good business partners and you want to have some of them on your side.
On the hand, you never want evil on your side because evil wants to destroy you the moment you don’t look eye to eye with them.
Here’s how to spot them:
11 Signs of Evil People
1) People who make a big display about loving animals.
They are often posting about animal rights on social media, take pictures with strays and parade them, etc. They are almost always unhinged people.
99% of the time they do not care about humans. If given the choice between a thousand human deaths and a thousand dog deaths, they will pick the human deaths every time.
2) People who make a big display about climate.
Same as above. Animals/Climate are used to create an illusion of moral superiority and goodness. These people are often highly depraved people.
You cannot both own an iPhone and claim to be the environmental savior at the same time. It does not make sense. It is merely a power play and the deep desire in their heart is to get political power. They want to dictate what you can and cannot do.
What you are looking for here is not people who merely care, but people who make a big display about caring. It will almost seem like this is a part of their brand or identity.

3) Traditional/Religious clothing with non-traditional/irreligious beliefs.
Person almost exclusively wears traditional/religious clothing but has beliefs that clearly don’t align with tradition or religion.
An easy example is (usually overweight) women in India who wear sarees with big bindis to signal Hinduism but do not have any Hindu views. They could be feminists, tell other women to have premarital sex, could drink alcohol, but want to look traditional with their clothes.
This is done to appeal to people’s preconceived notions of religious goodness while they spew their evil ideology in its garb.
4) Corporate guy with no successful past mentees.
This guy will make you feel like he’s your best friend the moment he meets you. He’s so nice and helpful. They own the room and are the center of attention but when you analyze their words… the only thing that comes out of their mouth is things that make them seem good.
You are told what you want to hear and made to feel good. But you are just being used. The easy way to spot these guys is to look at their past mentees – the bad apples will not have people who attribute their success to them.
Good people build their juniors to be successful and skilled. With these evil types you only see idiots in their past whom they stepped over. If he could get a promotion by stabbing you in the back… you’re going to get stabbed.
5) Cruel to animals.
People who are unnecessarily cruel to animals are evil. Strong sign of psychopathy (can’t feel emotions/empathy). People who poison animals, break their legs, etc. for no real reason are not “crazy” they are evil.
6) The rich journalist.

The journalist who’s doing pretty well for himself is usually evil. Remember that real journalists don’t live in expensive houses and drive good cars. Real journalists are brutally murdered by politicians for uncovering the truth.
The corporate journalists who only say what they are “supposed to say” are the ones who make money. These guys are evil. Many will destroy you if you aren’t careful.
If you are in any kind of public facing profession, I highly recommend reading How to Deal With Journalists.
7) The freebie politician.
Dresses like a member of the general public. Main selling factor is free money and free stuff. This allows them to garner power from all sides because they give the masses what they want and don’t have to say anything controversial to do it.
The only thing these guys care about is votes. They have no ideology beyond becoming powerful. If they could boil you alive to win an election, they 100% would without even batting an eye.
8) Spiritual guru.
Lives lavishly. Has expensive cars. Often has multiple women he’s fucking. Sometimes they are even raping children. Enough said.
9) The perpetual female victim.
The woman who is never wrong and always the victim of everything. Ex boyfriend is toxic. The employer who didn’t promote her was “racist”. Claims she was raped multiple times by different unrelated people (what are the odds?).
This type of woman does what she wants and then blames other people for the regrets or buyers remorse. She does not feel bad about destroying people’s lives and reputations if it means she can feel like she was not at fault for her actions.
Avoid any woman like this like the plague. Do not employ them. Do not sleep with them. Do not be around them.
Read next: How to Avoid a False Rape Case
10) Money over everything.

This is the type of person who values money over literally everything. When they make any decision in life, the primary thing that comes to their mind is “what is more profitable?”.
Avoid being customers to this type of people because they will fuck with the product you buy to make a profit. I’m talking about people who will sell fake protein that gives you liver damage just to make a higher profit.
Or the restaurant that will secretly put chemicals in their food to make it more addicting.
Or the influencers who promote literal garbage because they are the highest paying sponsor.
I get dozens of sponsorship opportunities each week from crypto ponzis, fake health foods (like protein bars that contain soy and sugar), etc. and I accept none of them because I care about my readers. (Most people don’t. Hell even the current US president did a crypto rugpull.)
11) Physiognomy.
This sounds like bullshit if you don’t deal with many people but when you do, you clearly notice patterns in people’s faces and their behaviors.
It’s more of a thumb rule and does not always work (there are very innocent looking people who are evil and vice versa), but it does work more often than it does not so it’s worth knowing.
If you deal with people with these physical traits, be careful:

Finally: This is not a complete list.
I do not have a full list of signs of evil (these are just a few examples from personal experience) but what I do have is a great self-improvement program that can change your life for good.
Live Intentionally: 90 Day Self-Improvement Program will change your life for good. It’s a one time investment in yourself that pays you forever by making you a disciplined, fit, and mentally tough.
If that is of interest to you, check it out and grab a copy.
I’ll see you in the next piece.
– Harsh Strongman