Today, we have a guest post from Armani Talks! He’s a public speaker and at one point was the vice president of his local Toastmasters... [read more]

“Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without.”  – Confucius One of the deadliest long-term mistakes you can make is always focusing on... [read more]

If you only learn one thing from this website, let it be this: avoid normal people. Avoid the normals at all costs; don’t go out... [read more]

Almost every 3rd person claims to be depressed in the urban world. While I would ask you to man up and stop being a pussy,... [read more]

This is a simple guide on how you can have a very productive day. STEP 1: Make a TO-DO List This has to be done... [read more]

Confidence: The feeling or belief that one can have faith in or rely on someone or something. Modern day, confidence is scarce. It’s understandable if... [read more]

I had LASIK eye surgery in May 2018. It’s been over 5 months since the surgery now, and some of you have been asking me... [read more]

“Truly I tell you,” he continued, “no prophet is accepted in his hometown. This is a rather interesting quote I found a few years ago.... [read more]

Chanakya (or Kautalya) lived 2400 years ago. He was an economist, a philosopher, and teacher-cum-chief-advisor to Emperor Chandragupta Maurya. He is credited with orchestrating the... [read more]

Let me start with a small story that I read a few years ago from a book whose name I can’t remember (feel free to... [read more]

From the desk of Harsh Strongman Subj: The Art of Resting and activities that rest your brain (How to rest your brain) If you don’t... [read more]

This is a guest post from Thomas J Bevan. ‘Don’t let your schooling get in the way of your education’ Mark Twain If there is... [read more]

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