Here are some simple heuristics to follow when investing the equities portion allocation of your portfolio: 1. Not more than 5% in one stock and... [read more]

From the desk of Harsh StrongmanSubj: The Crab Bucket Mentality The Crabs in a Bucket Story When you put a single crab in a bucket,... [read more]

From the desk of Harsh Strongman Subj: Health and Fitness for busy people One thing everyone can agree about living in the modern day is... [read more]

Hello, Welcome to Life Math Money. You have found the #1 Self-Improvement Website for men. I write about Health, Business, Money, Personal Finance, Investing, Social... [read more]

Naval Ravikant, recently sent out a series of very insightful tweets titled “How to Get Rich (without getting lucky)” and elaborated on the topic with... [read more]

VPN or Virtual Private Network is software that protects your privacy on the internet. When you go to any website on the internet, you leave... [read more]

Over the past few months, I’ve had the pleasure of interviewing ~50 people for a couple of clients. I scanned through ~200 resumes, and 50%... [read more]

Social media websites are the worst places to spend your time. Social media – especially Facebook – will eat up your time and energy, and... [read more]

This article has been continued from Part 1: Dealing with people who “disapprove”. Hopefully, by now you have realized that you are an independent human... [read more]

From the desk of Harsh Strongman Subj: How to start living life on your own terms Someone contacted me on Twitter with a common problem... [read more]

The decoy effect is a cognitive bias exploited by companies all around the world to trick you into spending more. It’s so prevalent, that if... [read more]

Ever had so much to do and so much to handle that you wished you had some time for yourself just once? I’ve been there.... [read more]

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