This is a question I receive a LOT: I met a woman who was in a relationship for 5+ years and then had a break... [read more]
In late April, 2023 I was in the city of Mussoorie to do a couple of hikes and blow off some steam. I had completed... [read more]
Technological adoption is age based. People take all the technology that existed at the time they were born for granted. When they are very young... [read more]
A few months ago, I was on a flight and an old woman was there with her daughter. The woman wanted to have a fruit... [read more]
We are all in “the status matrix”. Unlike the matrix movie, the real status matrix is not centralized. The status matrix is a mixture of... [read more]
A 26 year old EY Employee’s mother wrote an open letter and accused EY’s work pressure as the cause of her daughter’s death. I have... [read more]
Guys will regularly complain about “overthinking” not realizing that the solution to it is in their own minds. Unless you’re doing something especially big or... [read more]
I bumped into a guy I know from the gym. He’s not a friend but we’ve lifted some weights together. He looked really tired and... [read more]
One thing you will hear politicians say in their speeches goes along the lines of: “I will bring inflation under control” “I will make inflation... [read more]
The Complete Graphic Design Course™ was launched 2 days ago. In the launch email, I said that making an extra $30k a year from grahpic... [read more]
If your primary source of cash flow is a job, it’s of paramount importance that you become an unfireable employee. Like the name suggests, an... [read more]
Modern society is controlled by groups who have vested interests in making men weak and docile. A population where men are physically and mentally weak... [read more]