If you’re a man, you will often hear people tell you “A real man is…” followed by some sort of moral value the person making... [read more]

Wall Street Playboys was one of my favorite blogs that I followed all the way from 2014 to 2021, when it was shut down (Wall... [read more]

I have often heard people say “I support free speech but I do not support hate speech,” which on the face of it, sounds like... [read more]

From the desk of Harsh Strongman Subj: “I want to start a business but I don’t know what to sell” – What should I do?... [read more]

WallStreetPlayboys was a blog that hosted advice for finance professionals. I read it for 7 years (all the way from my late teens) and it... [read more]

What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is a decentralized cryptocurrency founded by an anonymous individual/group who calls themselves Satoshi Nakamoto. It is an upgrade to the currency... [read more]

The hardest thing for the human mind to do is to do nothing. The mind is a machine hard-coded to interact with the environment. You... [read more]

How many times have you said, “I want to…” Wouldn’t you rather be saying, “I do…” What is the difference between people who say “I... [read more]

From the desk of Harsh Strongman Subj: How to spot a rationalization and avoid fake excuses A rationalization is a psychological defense mechanism that humans... [read more]

From the desk of Harsh Strongman Subj: Happy Birthday to Life Math Money Today is Life Math Money’s third birthday. The first Life Math Money... [read more]

Make sure you read the previous article on what is Ethereum and how transactions work on the Ethereum network before you read this one. Introduction... [read more]

This article is a part of the free crypto course and assumes that you have completed the resources that come prior to this one. In... [read more]

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