Fixing Your Body Should Be Priority #1

The most important thing a man (or woman) has is his health. No one wants to be with the fat chubby man, and fat girls are second to everyone and everything. Scraps and leftovers. All other aspects of life – be it money, relationships, academics – all are second to health. You may be the […]

Get Rid of Mental Blocks

Many people suffer from the “oh-but-there’s-too-many-things-in-the-way” mindset. They can’t accomplish anything because of “obstacles” – they think that everyone is out to get them; someone or something is always holding them back. I can’t lose weight because I don’t get any time to workout – but at the same time, she finds the time to get […]

The Power of Compound Interest

From the desk of Harsh Strongman Subj: The Power and Math of Compounding This article is about the greatest force known to man: Compound Interest. Simply put – compound interest means that returns accrue on principal as well as previous returns. This sounds like a very minor detail – but as you’ll see – it’s not. The […]

How to Get Ahead in Life

From the desk of Harsh Strongman Topic: How you can get ahead of others This post is going to be about how to get ahead – in all facets of life – be it money, relationships, play, personality, physique, health, etc. First things first, let me point out the basic rule- if you want to […]

The Most Effective Money Advice You’ll Ever Get

The age-old and most effective money advice you can ever take is: KEEP TO YOURSELF 20% OF ALL YOU EARN In other words, save 20% of all your receipts. Sounds pretty basic, but you’ll be surprised how few people actually follow this. I’ve seen people who make more than $1 Million a year but have less […]

Is College Worth The time and Money? Here’s How You Can Calculate That.

I’m talking about the handcuffs and leashes of the modern day: student loans. Student loans are not inherently evil (even though it is commonly thought so). The question of whether you should accept a student loan or not depends on what you are going to be studying, and what the payoff is. The considerations for […]

How to Lose Fat Part 3: Fitness as a Lifestyle

This article has been continued from Part 2: Exercise. I’ve already talked about losing fat via diet and exercise. Did you notice something: I didn’t suggest one-time strategies such as crash-dieting. I recommended longer-term solutions for exercise and diet. That’s because keeping fat off is a permanent lifestyle change. It’s not a one-time thing. You have to stay […]

How to Lose Fat Part 2: Exercise

This article has been continued from Part 1: Diet. Exercise This is usually the easier part for most people. If you’re fat, chances are you don’t exercise. Maybe you haven’t exercised in years. Don’t worry, the past is gone, but you can always try and improve the present and the future. Regular exercise has numerous […]

How to Lose Fat Part 1: Diet

The most significant improvement you can make to your health and personal life is to lose the extra weight. Being fat sucks. Being called “cute” and “healthy” when they really mean “chubby” sucks. Being obese, like it or not, limits career opportunities, damages your reputation, lowers your confidence and self-esteem, damages your knees, damages your […]

The Big Advantage of Believing in God

A lot of people today are atheists and agnostics. I respect that. I understand your reasons and I would not force you to believe in something you don’t feel is right. This post isn’t meant to convert anyone, or to debate about religion, to promote or demean any religion. I’m only discussing the advantages of […]

How to Breathe Correctly

I’ve noticed something: the vast majority of people don’t breathe correctly. Their breaths are too shallow. For them, breathing is an activity of the chest. Their chests protrude as they draw breath, not their stomachs. They breathe out before air can reach the depths of their lungs. This deprives their bodies of oxygen and makes […]

Regret Is a Wasted Emotion

Regret is a wasted emotion

There’s a concept in economics called sunk cost. From Wikipedia: “In economics and business decision-making, a sunk cost is a cost that has already been incurred and cannot be recovered.” This applies to life as well. Have you ever seen someone being sad and depressed over something bad that happened in the past (usually long […]


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